Heba Habib
Heba Habib
Lecturer in Technological University Dublin
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Dynamic room pricing model for hotel revenue management systems
HA Aziz, M Saleh, MH Rasmy, H ElShishiny
Egyptian Informatics Journal 12 (3), 177-183, 2011
Dynamic pricing for hotel revenue management using price multipliers
AEM Bayoumi, M Saleh, AF Atiya, HA Aziz
Journal of revenue and pricing management 12, 271-285, 2013
An integrated framework for advanced hotel revenue management
NF El Gayar, M Saleh, A Atiya, H El-Shishiny, AAYF Zakhary, ...
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 23 (1), 84-98, 2011
An integrated approach of multi-objective optimization model for evaluating new supporting program in Irish hospitals
W Rashwan, H Habib, G Courtney, A Arisha, S Kennelly
2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1904-1915, 2016
A randomized model for group reservations in a hotel’s revenue management system
HA Aziz, N El Gayar, M Saleh, H El Shishiny
Proceedings of the 6th International, 2008
A new approach for hotel room revenue maximization using advanced forecasting and optimization methods
N El Gayar, A Zakhary, H Abdel Aziz, M Saleh, A Atiya, H El Shishiny
EuroCHRIE Conference: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2008
Patient Experience Informs Health Care Strategies in Irish Hospitals
H Habib
Technological University Dublin, 2017
Optimization of Resources to Improve Patient Experience in the New Emergency Department of Mater Hospital Dublin
H Habib, W Abo-Hamad, A Arisha
SIMUL 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in System …, 2014
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