Luis Mengual Galán
Luis Mengual Galán
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Behavior of Ad Hoc routing protocols, analyzed for emergency and rescue scenarios, on a real urban area
LE Quispe, LM Galan
Expert systems with applications 41 (5), 2565-2573, 2014
Clustering-based location in wireless networks
L Mengual, O Marbán, S Eibe
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (9), 6165-6175, 2010
A management ad hoc networks model for rescue and emergency scenarios
R Torres, L Mengual, O Marban, S Eibe, E Menasalvas, B Maza
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9554-9563, 2012
Assessment of throughput performance under NS2 in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)
LE Quispe, LM Galan
2013 Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2013
Automatic implementation system of security protocols based on formal description techniques
L Mengual, N Barcia, E Jimenez, E Menasalvas, J Setien, J Yaguez
Proceedings ISCC 2002 Seventh International Symposium on Computers and …, 2002
A fuzzy multi-agent system for secure remote control of a mobile guard robot
L Mengual, J Bobadilla, G Triviño
International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, 44-53, 2004
Towards an architecture for semiautonomous robot telecontrol systems
G Trivino, L Mengual, A Van der Heide
Information Sciences 179 (23), 3973-3984, 2009
Multi-agent location system in wireless networks
L Mengual, O Marban, S Eibe, E Menasalvas
Expert systems with applications 40 (6), 2244-2262, 2013
Communication-efficient and crash-quiescent Omega with unknown membership
S Arévalo, E Jiménez, M Larrea, L Mengual
Information Processing Letters 111 (4), 194-199, 2011
Analysis of ad hoc routing protocols for emergency and rescue scenarios.
L Mengual Galan, L Enciso Quispe, R Torres Tandazo
SciTePress, 2012
Unmarked Point and Adjacency Vertex, Mobility Models for the Generation of Emergency and Rescue Scenarios in Urban Areas.
RV Torres, JC Sanchez, LM Galan
Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 23 (3), 2014
Design and testing of two secure video conferencing applications based on JMF (Java Media Framework) and VIC (Video Conferencing Tool)
L Mengual, J Bobadilla, R Caballero, G Hernandez
International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT'06), 56-56, 2006
Analysis of QoS parameter in AODV a DSR in mobile Ad Hoc networks
L Mengual Galán, L Enciso Quispe
SciTePress, 2012
Arquitectura multi-agente segura basada en un sistema de implementación automática de protocolos de seguridad
L Mengual, N Barcia, J Bobadilla, E Jiménez, J Setién, J Yágüez
I Simposio Español de Negocio Electrónico. Málaga, 2001
Un modelo formal para la especificación, análisis, verificación e implantación de protocolos de seguridad
L Mengual Galan
Informatica, 1998
Improving availability of mobile networks using a cluster routing protocol with redundant cluster head
R Torres, L Ensico, L Mengual
Third Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science Oklahoma State …, 2012
A model to specify security protocols on the isdn
L Mengual, N Barcia, C Fernández, F Morant, J Yaguez
Journal Of Applied Computer Science 7 (2), 7-29, 1999
Secure intelligent agents based on formal description techniques
L Mengual, C De La Puente
International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, 134-141, 2003
Arquitectura de seguridad para la comunicación de agentes
JG Otero, LM Galán
Novática: Revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 57-62, 2003
A Tool of Analysis and Implementation of Security Protocolson Distributed Systems
L Mengual, C de la Puente
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