Daniel Soto-Parra
Daniel Soto-Parra
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Statistical similarity between the compression of a porous material and earthquakes
J Baró, Á Corral, X Illa, A Planes, EKH Salje, W Schranz, DE Soto-Parra, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 088702, 2013
Elastocaloric and magnetocaloric effects in Ni-Mn-Sn (Cu) shape-memory alloy
PO Castillo-Villa, L Mañosa, A Planes, DE Soto-Parra, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (5), 2013
Fe and Co selective substitution in Ni2MnGa: Effect of magnetism on relative phase stability
DE Soto-Parra, X Moya, L Mañosa, A Planes, H Flores-Zuñiga, ...
Philosophical Magazine 90 (20), 2771-2792, 2010
Caloric effects induced by magnetic and mechanical fields in a NiMnGaCo magnetic shape memory alloy
PO Castillo-Villa, DE Soto-Parra, JA Matutes-Aquino, RA Ochoa-Gamboa, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (17), 174109, 2011
Failure mechanism in porous materials under compression: crackling noise in mesoporous SiO2
EKH Salje, DE Soto-Parra, A Planes, E Vives, M Reinecker, W Schranz
Philosophical Magazine Letters 91 (8), 554-560, 2011
Influence of Fe doping and magnetic field on martensitic transition in Ni–Mn–Sn melt-spun ribbons
CO Aguilar-Ortiz, D Soto-Parra, P Álvarez-Alonso, P Lázpita, D Salazar, ...
Acta Materialia 107, 9-16, 2016
Phase diagram of Fe-doped Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys
D Soto, FA Hernández, H Flores-Zúñiga, X Moya, L Mañosa, A Planes, ...
Physical Review B 77 (18), 184103, 2008
Noise of collapsing minerals: Predictability of the compressional failure in goethite mines
EKH Salje, GI Lampronti, DE Soto-Parra, J Baró, A Planes, E Vives
American Mineralogist 98 (4), 609-615, 2013
Elastocaloric effect in Ti-Ni shape-memory wires associated with the B2↔ B19'and B2↔ R structural transitions
D Soto-Parra, E Vives, L Mañosa, JA Matutes-Aquino, H Flores-Zúñiga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (7), 2016
Stress-and magnetic field-induced entropy changes in Fe-doped Ni–Mn–Ga shape-memory alloys
DE Soto-Parra, E Vives, D González-Alonso, L Mañosa, A Planes, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (7), 2010
Avalanches in compressed Ti-Ni shape-memory porous alloys: An acoustic emission study
D Soto-Parra, X Zhang, S Cao, E Vives, EKH Salje, A Planes
Physical Review E 91 (6), 060401, 2015
Acoustic emission in the fcc-fct martensitic transition of
E Bonnot, L Mañosa, A Planes, D Soto-Parra, E Vives, B Ludwig, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (18), 184103, 2008
Driving-induced crossover in the avalanche criticality of martensitic transitions
E Vives, D Soto-Parra, L Mañosa, R Romero, A Planes
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (18), 180101, 2009
Imaging the dynamics of martensitic transitions using acoustic emission
E Vives, D Soto-Parra, L Mañosa, R Romero, A Planes
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 060101, 2011
Scale-invariant avalanche dynamics in the temperature-driven martensitic transition of a Cu-Al-Be single crystal
FJ Romero, JM Martín-Olalla, MC Gallardo, D Soto-Parra, EKH Salje, ...
Physical Review B 99 (22), 224101, 2019
Thermal and structural study of Ni–Fe–Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
F Alvarado-Hernandez, DE Soto-Parra, R Ochoa-Gamboa, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 462 (1-2), 442-445, 2008
High sensitivity on caloric effects induced by stress or magnetic field in a polycrystalline Ni-Mn-In-Co-Cu shape-memory alloy
JP Camarillo-Garcia, F Hernández-Navarro, DE Soto-Parra, D Ríos-Jara, ...
Scripta Materialia 166, 92-95, 2019
Large and reversible elastocaloric effect near room temperature in a Ga-doped Ni–Mn–In metamagnetic shape-memory alloy
JP Camarillo, CO Aguilar-Ortiz, H Flores-Zúñiga, D Ríos-Jara, ...
Functional Materials Letters 10 (01), 1740007, 2017
The effect of Fe addition on the transformation temperatures, lattice parameter and magnetization saturation of Ni 52.5− x Mn 23 Ga 24.5 Fe x ferromagnetic shape memory alloy
DE Soto-Parra, F Alvarado-Hernandez, O Ayala, RA Ochoa-Gamboa, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 464 (1), 288-291, 2008
Preparation of La0. 7Ca0. 3− xSrxMnO3 Manganites by Four Synthesis Methods and Their Influence on the Magnetic Properties and Relative Cooling Power
ME Botello-Zubiate, MC Grijalva-Castillo, D Soto-Parra, ...
Materials 12 (2), 309, 2019
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