Chrissi Antonopoulos
Chrissi Antonopoulos
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Balancing technological innovation with waste burden minimization: An examination of the global lighting industry
R Dzombak, C Antonopoulos, HE Dillon
Waste Management 92, 68-74, 2019
The role of building characteristics, demographics, and urban heat islands in shaping residential energy use
C Antonopoulos, A Trusty, V Shandas
City and Environment Interactions 3, 100021, 2019
Wall upgrades for residential deep energy retrofits: a literature review
CA Antonopoulos, CE Metzger, JM Zhang, S Ganguli, MC Baechler, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2019
Characterization of Mechanical Ventilation Systems in New US Homes: What types of systems are out there and are they functioning as intended
E Martin, T Khan, D Chasar, J Sonne, S Rosenberg, C Antonopoulos, ...
2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 2020
Automatic Fault Detection & Diagnostics: Residential Market Analysis
JB Butzbaugh, ASD Tidwell, CA Antonopoulos
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2020
Regional assessment of household energy decision-making and technology adoption in the United States
CA Antonopoulos, TL Fuentes, KH McCord, ALS Rackley, S Biswas
Energy Policy 185, 113940, 2024
Decisions and decision-makers: Mapping the sociotechnical cognition behind home energy upgrades in the United States
S Biswas, TL Fuentes, KH McCord, ALS Rackley, CA Antonopoulos
Energy Research & Social Science 109, 103411, 2024
Mechanical ventilation and indoor air quality in recently constructed US homes in marine and cold-dry climates
CA Antonopoulos, SI Rosenberg, H Zhao, IS Walker, WW Delp, WR Chan, ...
Building and Environment 245, 110480, 2023
Exergy analysis of heating options for buildings in the Pacific Northwest
HE Dillon, R Dzombak, C Antonopoulos
International Journal of Exergy 30 (3), 275-293, 2019
Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technology in Commercial Buildings: An Analysis of the Commercial Building Partnerships Program
CA Antonopoulos
Portland State University, 2013
Residential Ventilation Systems.
M Lubliner, I Walker, C Antonopoulos, C Metzger, E Martin
ASHRAE Journal 62 (3), 2020
Do We Really Know How Much It Costs to Construct High Performance Buildings?
O Livingston, H Dillon, M Halverson, C Antonopoulos, M Madison, ...
Proceedings of ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 2012
Strategies for connecting whole-building LCA to the low-carbon design process
KH McCord, HE Dillon, P Gunderson, S Carlson, AR Phillips, D Griechen, ...
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 4 (1), 015002, 2024
Guide to Determining Climate Zone by County: IECC and Building America 2021 Updates
CA Antonopoulos, TL Gilbride, ER Margiotta, CE Kaltreider
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA (United States), 2022
Could Building Energy Codes Mandate Rooftop Solar in the Future?
HE Dillon, CA Antonopoulos, AE Solana, BJ Russo
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 2012
Wall Upgrades for Energy Retrofits: A Techno-Economic Study
CA Antonopoulos, PK Gunderson, TJ Pilet, S Ganguli, J Zhang, TD Ashley, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2022
Guide to Determining Climate Zone by County: Building America and IECC 2021 Updates
CA Antonopoulos, TL Gilbride, ER Margiotta, CE Kaltreider
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2022
National Cost-Effectiveness of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1–2019
MT Tyler, R Hart, YL Xie, MI Rosenberg, M Myer, MA Halverson, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2021
A Drop in the Bucket or a Pebble in a Pond: Commercial Building Partners’ Replication of EEMs Across Their Portfolios
CA Antonopoulos, MC Baechler, HE Dillon
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 2014
Smart Grid Status and Metrics Report Appendices
PJ Balducci, CA Antonopoulos, SL Clements, WJ Gorrissen, H Kirkham, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2014
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