Nicolas Feld
Nicolas Feld
Safran Transmission Systems
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A review of computational modelling approaches to compressive failure in laminates
B Daum, N Feld, O Allix, R Rolfes
Composites Science and Technology 181, 107663, 2019
Micro-mechanical prediction of UD laminates behavior under combined compression up to failure: influence of matrix degradation
N Feld, O Allix, E Baranger, JM Guimard
Journal of Composite Materials 45 (22), 2317-2333, 2011
The compressive behaviour of composites including fiber kinking: modelling across the scales
O Allix, N Feld, E Baranger, JM Guimard, C Ha-Minh
Meccanica 49, 2571-2586, 2014
A micromechanics-based mesomodel for unidirectional laminates in compression up to failure
N Feld, O Allix, E Baranger, JM Guimard
Journal of Composite Materials 46 (23), 2893-2909, 2012
A general boundary layer corrector for the asymptotic homogenization of elastic linear composite structures
M Fergoug, A Parret-Fréaud, N Feld, B Marchand, S Forest
Composite Structures 285, 115091, 2022
A consistent experimental protocol for the strain rate characterization of thermoplastic fabrics
F Coussa, J Renard, S Joannes, JC Teissedre, R Bompoint, N Feld
Strain 53 (3), e12220, 2017
The Coarse Mesh Condensation Multiscale Method for parallel computation of heterogeneous linear structures without scale separation
MV Le, J Yvonnet, N Feld, F Detrez
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 363, 112877, 2020
Vers un pont micro-méso de la rupture en compression des composites stratifiés
N Feld
École normale supérieure de Cachan-ENS Cachan, 2011
A novel approach for the strain rate dependent modelling of woven composites
N Feld, F Coussa, B Delattre
Composite Structures 192, 568-576, 2018
Modelling the effect of process-induced anisotropy on the constitutive behavior of chopped fiber composites
N Feld, C Maeyens, B Delattre, N Grandmaison
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 101, 334-343, 2017
Multiscale analysis of composite structures based on higher-order asymptotic homogenization with boundary layer correction
M Fergoug, A Parret-Fréaud, N Feld, B Marchand, S Forest
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 96, 104754, 2022
A micromechanics-based mesomodel for unidirectional laminates in compression
N Feld, O Allix, E Baranger, JM Guimard
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, 61-68, 2011
Mesure de champs hétérogènes pour l’identification du comportement de matériaux composites stratifiés
N Feld, H Laeuffer, S Roux
Comptes-Rendus des JNC 19, 2015
Full-field elastic simulations for image-based heterogeneous structures with a coarse mesh condensation multiscale method
MV Le, J Yvonnet, N Feld, F Detrez
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 18 (3), 2020
Une approche modulaire pour la simulation numérique des composites stratifiés
N Feld, N Vallino
Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 25 (2), 161-180, 2015
Hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous structures driven by a modeling error estimator
M Fergoug, A Parret-Fréaud, N Feld, B Marchand, S Forest
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418, 116529, 2024
Model adaptivity driven by model error, application for 3D woven composites
M Fergoug, A Parret-Fréaud, B Marchand, N Feld, S Forest
WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020, 2021
Etat de l'art de la modélisation de la rupture en compression des composites stratifiés
N Feld, B Daum, O Allix, R Rolfes
21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, 2019
A filter-based computational homogenization method for composites structures without scale separation assumption
MV Le, J Yvonnet, N Feld, C Combescure
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference: Computational Modeling of Complex Materials …, 2017
Modeling of the degradation of laminates under impact: some keypoints
O Allix, JM Guimard, N Feld
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied …, 2008
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