Jean-François Determe
Jean-François Determe
Assistant Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles
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Crowd forecasting based on wifi sensors and lstm neural networks
U Singh, JF Determe, F Horlin, P De Doncker
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 69 (9), 6121-6131, 2020
On the noise robustness of simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit
JF Determe, J Louveaux, L Jacques, F Horlin
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (4), 864-875, 2016
Crowd monitoring: State-of-the-art and future directions
U Singh, JF Determe, F Horlin, P De Doncker
IETE Technical Review 38 (6), 578-594, 2021
Generalized traveling salesman problem for carrier-vehicle systems
E Garone, JF Determe, R Naldi
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 37 (3), 766-774, 2014
On the exact recovery condition of simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit
JF Determe, J Louveaux, L Jacques, F Horlin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (1), 164-168, 2015
Forecasting Crowd Counts With Wi-Fi Systems: Univariate, Non-Seasonal Models
JF Determe, U Singh, F Horlin, P De Doncker
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020
Monitoring large crowds with WiFi: A privacy-preserving approach
JF Determe, S Azzagnuni, U Singh, F Horlin, P De Doncker
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 2148-2159, 2022
Improving the Correlation Lower Bound for Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
JF Determe, J Louveaux, L Jacques, F Horlin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (11), 1642-1646, 2016
A travelling salesman problem for a class of heterogeneous multi-vehicle systems
E Garone, JF Determe, R Naldi
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1166-1171, 2012
Simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit with noise stabilization: Theoretical analysis
JF Determe, J Louveaux, L Jacques, F Horlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.05324, 2015
Super resolution passive radars based on 802.11 ax Wi‐Fi signals for human movement detection
HC Yildirim, JF Determe, L Storrer, F Rottenberg, P De Doncker, ...
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 15 (4), 323-339, 2021
Frequency-domain time-reversal precoding in wideband MISO OFDM communication systems
TH Nguyen, JF Determe, M Van Eeckhaute, J Louveaux, P De Doncker, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10727, 2019
Performance analysis of frequency domain precoding time-reversal MISO OFDM systems
TH Nguyen, S Monfared, JF Determe, J Louveaux, P De Doncker, F Horlin
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (1), 48-51, 2019
Analysis of residual CFO impact on downlink massive MISO systems
TH Nguyen, M Van Eeckhaute, JF Determe, J Louveaux, P De Doncker, ...
Electronics Letters 55 (18), 1017-1019, 2019
MAC address anonymization for crowd counting
JF Determe, S Azzagnuni, F Horlin, P De Doncker
Algorithms 15 (5), 135, 2022
Collisions of uniformly distributed identifiers with an application to MAC address anonymization
JF Determe, S Azzagnuni, U Singh, F Horlin, P De Doncker
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09876, 2020
GCV-TSP Solver
J Determe, E Garone, R Naldi
University of Bologna UNIBO, TR, Data available online at http://www. gprix …, 0
Adaptation of Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
A Roty, JF Determe
Pre-Proceedings of the 2022 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal …, 2022
Focusing gain analysis of time-reversal precoding in MISO OFDM communication systems
TH Nguyen, JF Determe, S Monfared, J Louveaux, P De Doncker, F Horlin
Physical Communication 43, 101220, 2020
Stochastic Geometry Modeling of EMF exposure due to Cellular Networks in Urban Environments
Q Gontier, JF Determe, L Petrillo, TH Nguyen, F Horlin, J Wiart, C Oestges, ...
Proc. of the 1st Post-IRACON Meeting (COST), 2020
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