Victoria Bakker
Victoria Bakker
Assistant research professor, Montana State University
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What is the future of conservation?
DF Doak, VJ Bakker, BE Goldstein, B Hale
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (2), 77–81, 2015
Gap‐crossing decisions by the red squirrel, a forest‐dependent small mammal
VJ Bakker, DH Van Vuren
Conservation Biology 18 (3), 689-697, 2004
Scale‐dependent patterns in body size distributions of neotropical mammals
VJ Bakker, DA Kelt
Ecology 81 (12), 3530-3547, 2000
Incorporating ecological drivers and uncertainty into a demographic population viability analysis for the island fox
VJ Bakker, DF Doak, GW Roemer, DK Garcelon, TJ Coonan, SA Morrison, ...
Ecological Monographs 79 (1), 77-108, 2009
Population viability management: ecological standards to guide adaptive management for rare species
VJ Bakker, DF Doak
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (3), 158-165, 2009
Population viability analysis
DF Doak, ME Finkelstein, VJ Bakker
Princeton guide to ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 438-444, 2009
Den trees used by northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) in southeastern Alaska
VJ Bakker, K Hastings
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (9), 1623-1633, 2002
Evaluating the potential effectiveness of compensatory mitigation strategies for marine bycatch
M Finkelstein, V Bakker, DF Doak, B Sullivan, R Lewison, ...
PloS one 3 (6), e2480, 2008
Recommendations for improving recovery criteria under the US Endangered Species Act
DF Doak, GK Himes Boor, VJ Bakker, WF Morris, A Louthan, SA Morrison, ...
BioScience 65 (2), 189-199, 2015
The changing landscape of conservation science funding in the United States
VJ Bakker, JK Baum, JF Brodie, AK Salomon, BG Dickson, HK Gibbs, ...
Conservation Letters 3 (6), 435-444, 2010
Microhabitat Features Influence the Movements of Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) on Unfamiliar Ground
VJ Bakker
Journal of Mammalogy 87 (1), 124-130, 2006
Proactive conservation management of an island-endemic bird species in the face of global change
SA Morrison, TS Sillett, CK Ghalambor, JW Fitzpatrick, DM Graber, ...
BioScience 61 (12), 1013-1021, 2011
Effects of Lead Exposure, Flock Behavior, and Management Actions on the Survival of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus)
VJ Bakker, DR Smith, H Copeland, J Brandt, R Wolstenholme, J Burnett, ...
EcoHealth 14, 92-105, 2017
The albatross of assessing and managing risk for long-lived pelagic seabirds
VJ Bakker, ME Finkelstein, DF Doak, EA VanderWerf, LC Young, JA Arata, ...
Biological Conservation 217, 83-95, 2018
The use of surrogate data in demographic population viability analysis: a case study of California sea lions
CJ Hernández-Camacho, VJ Bakker, D Aurioles-Gamboa, J Laake, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0139158, 2015
Reproductive ecology of the island scrub-jay
L Caldwell, VJ Bakker, TS Sillett, MA Desrosiers, SA Morrison, ...
The Condor 115 (3), 603-613, 2013
Terrestrial scavenging of marine mammals: Cross-ecosystem contaminant transfer and potential risks to endangered California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus)
CM Kurle, VJ Bakker, H Copeland, J Burnett, J Jones Scherbinski, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (17), 9114-9123, 2016
Rapid morphological change in an insular population of feral sheep
DH Van Vuren, VJ Bakker
Journal of Zoology 277 (3), 221-231, 2009
On the fast track to recovery: island foxes on the northern Channel Islands
TJ Coonan, V Bakker, B Hudgens, C Boser, DK Garcelon, SA Morrison
Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 7, 2014
Using population viability criteria to assess strategies to minimize disease threats for an endangered carnivore
DF Doak, VJ Bakker, W Vickers
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 303-314, 2013
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Articles 1–20