Tahereh Abad
Tahereh Abad
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Building blocks of a flip-chip integrated superconducting quantum processor
S Kosen, HX Li, M Rommel, D Shiri, C Warren, L Grönberg, J Salonen, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (3), 035018, 2022
Universal fidelity reduction of quantum operations from weak dissipation
T Abad, J Fernández-Pendás, A Frisk Kockum, G Johansson
Physical Review Letters 129 (15), 150504, 2022
Fast multiqubit gates through simultaneous two-qubit gates
X Gu, J Fernández-Pendás, P Vikstål, T Abad, C Warren, A Bengtsson, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (4), 040348, 2021
Power of quantum channels for creating quantum correlations
T Abad, V Karimipour, L Memarzadeh
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062316, 2012
Extensive characterization and implementation of a family of three-qubit gates at the coherence limit
CW Warren, J Fernández-Pendás, S Ahmed, T Abad, A Bengtsson, ...
npj Quantum Information 9 (1), 44, 2023
Scaling of macroscopic superpositions close to a quantum phase transition
T Abad, V Karimipour
Physical Review B 93 (19), 195127, 2016
Impact of decoherence on the fidelity of quantum gates leaving the computational subspace
T Abad, Y Schattner, AF Kockum, G Johansson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13885, 2023
Experimental realization of deterministic and selective photon addition in a bosonic mode assisted by an ancillary qubit
M Kudra, T Abad, M Kervinen, AM Eriksson, F Quijandría, P Delsing, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12079, 2022
Critical slowing down of multiatom entanglement by Rydberg blockade
T Abad, K Mølmer
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022324, 2018
Sequentially generated entanglement, macroscopicity, and squeezing in a spin chain
T Abad, K Mølmer, V Karimipour
Physical Review A 96 (4), 042337, 2017
Fast unconditional reset and leakage reduction in fixed-frequency transmon qubits
L Chen, SP Fors, Z Yan, A Ali, T Abad, A Osman, E Moschandreou, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.16748, 2024
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