Lucas Neñer
Lucas Neñer
Mutech microsystems
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Tunnel magnetoresistance in self-assemblies of exchange-coupled core/shell nanoparticles
F Fabris, E Lima Jr, C Quinteros, L Neñer, M Granada, M Sirena, ...
Physical Review Applied 11 (5), 054089, 2019
Oxygen influence in the magnetic and the transport properties of ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructures
JG Sutter, L Neñer, H Navarro, G Leyva, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, ...
Thin Solid Films 639, 42-46, 2017
A quantitative experiment on the fountain effect in superfluid helium
ML Amigó, T Herrera, L Neñer, LP Gavensky, F Turco, J Luzuriaga
European Journal of Physics 38 (5), 055103, 2017
Stress and disorder effect in the physical properties of artificially engineered multiferroic superlattices
JG Sutter, AS Chávez, S Soria, M Granada, L Neñer, S Bengió, P Granel, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 271, 124910, 2021
Tuning the magneto-electrical properties of multiferroic multilayers through interface strain and disorder
JG Sutter, AS Chávez, S Soria, M Granada, L Neñer, S Bengió, P Granell, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 859, 157820, 2021
Proceso para la fabricación de sistemas multiferroicos compuestos, desarrollo de nanodispositivos memresistivos y dispositivo electrónico obtenido
L Neñer, M Sirena
Desarrollo y estudio de nanoestructuras multiferroicas: nuevos sistemas y técnicas para la electrónica de espín.
LE Neñer
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2016
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