Juergen Rapp
Juergen Rapp
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Control of neoclassical tearing modes by sawtooth control
O Sauter, E Westerhof, ML Mayoral, B Alper, PA Belo, RJ Buttery, ...
Physical review letters 88 (10), 105001, 2002
Tungsten divertor erosion in all metal devices: Lessons from the ITER like wall of JET
GJ Van Rooij, JW Coenen, L Aho-Mantila, S Brezinsek, M Clever, R Dux, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S42-S47, 2013
Plasma surface interactions in impurity seeded plasmas
A Kallenbach, M Balden, R Dux, T Eich, C Giroud, A Huber, GP Maddison, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (1), S19-S26, 2011
Overview on plasma operation with a full tungsten wall in ASDEX Upgrade
R Neu, A Kallenbach, M Balden, V Bobkov, JW Coenen, R Drube, R Dux, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S34-S41, 2013
High confinement and high density with stationary plasma energy and strong edge radiation in the TEXTOR-94 tokamak
AM Messiaen, J Ongena, U Samm, B Unterberg, G Van Wassenhove, ...
Physical review letters 77 (12), 2487, 1996
Role of sawtooth in avoiding impurity accumulation and maintaining good confinement in JET radiative mantle discharges
MFF Nave, J Rapp, T Bolzonella, R Dux, MJ Mantsinen, R Budny, ...
Nuclear Fusion 43 (10), 1204, 2003
Reduction of divertor heat load in JET ELMy H-modes using impurity seeding techniques
J Rapp, P Monier-Garbet, GF Matthews, R Sartori, P Andrew, P Dumortier, ...
Nuclear fusion 44 (2), 312, 2004
Saturation of deuterium retention in self-damaged tungsten exposed to high-flux plasmas
MHJ 'tHoen, B Tyburska-Püschel, K Ertl, M Mayer, J Rapp, AW Kleyn, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (2), 023008, 2012
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
F Romanelli, JETE Contributors
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104002, 2013
Edge and divertor physics with reversed toroidal field in JET
RA Pitts, P Andrew, X Bonnin, AV Chankin, Y Corre, G Corrigan, D Coster, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 337, 146-153, 2005
Type-I ELM power deposition profile width and temporal shape in JET
TG Eich, H Thomsen, W Fundamenski, G Arnoux, S Brezinsek, S Devaux, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (1), S856-S859, 2011
Monitoring Alfvén cascades with interferometry on the JET tokamak
SE Sharapov, B Alper, J Fessey, NC Hawkes, NP Young, R Nazikian, ...
Physical review letters 93 (16), 165001, 2004
Overview of the fusion nuclear science facility, a credible break-in step on the path to fusion energy
CE Kessel, JP Blanchard, A Davis, L El-Guebaly, LM Garrison, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 135, 236-270, 2018
Study of type III ELMs in JET
R Sartori, G Saibene, LD Horton, M Becoulet, R Budny, D Borba, ...
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 46 (5), 723, 2004
Overview of radiative improved mode results on TEXTOR-94
RR Weynants, AM Messiaen, J Ongena, B Unterberg, G Bonheure, ...
Nuclear Fusion 39 (11Y), 1637, 1999
Construction of the plasma-wall experiment Magnum-PSI
J Rapp, WR Koppers, HJN Van Eck, GJ Van Rooij, WJ Goedheer, ...
Fusion engineering and design 85 (7-9), 1455-1459, 2010
Impact of the ITER-like wall on divertor detachment and on the density limit in the JET tokamak
A Huber, S Brezinsek, M Groth, PC De Vries, V Riccardo, G Van Rooij, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S139-S147, 2013
Hydrogenic retention in irradiated tungsten exposed to high-flux plasma
GM Wright, M Mayer, K Ertl, G de Saint-Aubin, J Rapp
Nuclear fusion 50 (7), 075006, 2010
Advanced Thomson scattering system for high-flux linear plasma generator
HJ Van Der Meiden, AR Lof, MA Van Den Berg, S Brons, AJH Donné, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (12), 2012
The development of the material plasma exposure experiment
J Rapp, TM Biewer, TS Bigelow, JBO Caughman, RC Duckworth, RJ Ellis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (12), 3456-3464, 2016
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