Oral Buyukozturk
Oral Buyukozturk
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masachusetts Institute of Technology
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Deep learning‐based crack damage detection using convolutional neural networks
YJ Cha, W Choi, O Büyüköztürk
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 32 (5), 361-378, 2017
Autonomous structural visual inspection using region‐based deep learning for detecting multiple damage types
YJ Cha, W Choi, G Suh, S Mahmoudkhani, O Büyüköztürk
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 33 (9), 731-747, 2018
Progress on understanding debonding problems in reinforced concrete and steel members strengthened using FRP composites
O Buyukozturk, O Gunes, E Karaca
Construction and Building Materials 18 (1), 9-19, 2004
Modal identification of simple structures with high-speed video using motion magnification
JG Chen, N Wadhwa, YJ Cha, F Durand, WT Freeman, O Buyukozturk
Journal of Sound and Vibration 345, 58-71, 2015
Failure behavior of precracked concrete beams retrofitted with FRP
O Buyukozturk, B Hearing
Journal of composites for construction 2 (3), 138-144, 1998
Deep long short-term memory networks for nonlinear structural seismic response prediction
R Zhang, Z Chen, S Chen, J Zheng, O Büyüköztürk, H Sun
Computers & Structures 220, 55-68, 2019
Imaging of concrete structures
O Büyüköztürk
Ndt & E International 31 (4), 233-243, 1998
Structural damage detection using modal strain energy and hybrid multiobjective optimization
YJ Cha, O Buyukozturk
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30 (5), 347-358, 2015
Electromagnetic properties of concrete at microwave frequency range
HC Rhim, O Buyukozturk
Materials Journal 95 (3), 262-271, 1998
Video camera–based vibration measurement for civil infrastructure applications
JG Chen, A Davis, N Wadhwa, F Durand, WT Freeman, O Büyüköztürk
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (3), B4016013, 2017
Shear behavior of joints in precast concrete segmental bridges
O Buyukozturk, MM Bakhoum, S Michael Beattie
Journal of Structural Engineering 116 (12), 3380-3401, 1990
Output-only computer vision based damage detection using phase-based optical flow and unscented Kalman filters
YJ Cha, JG Chen, O Büyüköztürk
Engineering Structures 132, 300-313, 2017
Use of silica fume and natural volcanic ash as a replacement to Portland cement: Micro and pore structural investigation using NMR, XRD, FTIR and X-ray microtomography
K Kupwade-Patil, SD Palkovic, A Bumajdad, C Soriano, O Büyüköztürk
Construction and Building Materials 158, 574-590, 2018
Structural solution using molecular dynamics: Fundamentals and a case study of epoxy-silica interface
O Büyüköztürk, MJ Buehler, D Lau, C Tuakta
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (14-15), 2131-2140, 2011
Peel and shear fracture characterization of debonding in FRP plated concrete affected by moisture
C Au, O Büyüköztürk
Journal of Composites for Construction 10 (1), 35-47, 2006
Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures
O Buyukozturk
Computers & Structures 7 (1), 149-156, 1977
Fracture characterization of concrete/epoxy interface affected by moisture
D Lau, O Büyüköztürk
Mechanics of Materials 42 (12), 1031-1042, 2010
Behavior of fiber reinforced high-strength concrete under direct shear
M Valle, O Buyukozturk
Materials Journal 90 (2), 122-133, 1993
Optimal sensor placement in structural health monitoring using discrete optimization
H Sun, O Büyüköztürk
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (12), 125034, 2015
Deterioration of FRP/concrete bond system under variable moisture conditions quantified by fracture mechanics
C Tuakta, O Büyüköztürk
Composites Part B: Engineering 42 (2), 145-154, 2011
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