Ake Sivertun
Ake Sivertun
Professor in technical support to C4
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Non-point source critical area analysis in the Gisselö watershed using GIS
Å Sivertun, L Prange
Environmental Modelling & Software 18 (10), 887-898, 2003
A GIS method to aid in non-point source critical area analysis
A Sivertun, LE Reinelt, R Castensson
International Journal of Geographical Information System 2 (4), 365-378, 1988
Distance from the Primary Health Center: a GIS method to study geographical access to health care
S Kohli, K Sahlen, Å Sivertun, O Löfman, E Trell, O Wigertz
Journal of medical systems 19, 425-436, 1995
Spatial correlation between radon (222Rn) in groundwater and bedrock uranium (238U): GIS and geostatistical analyses
I Salih, H Pettersson, Å Sivertun, E Lund
Journal of Spatial hydrology 2 (2), 1-10, 2002
Comparative study of the silica and cation geothermometry of the Malawi hot springs: Potential alternative energy source
Z Dulanya, N Morales-Simfors, Å Sivertun
Journal of African Earth Sciences 57 (4), 321-327, 2010
Large scale flood risk mapping in data scarce environments: An application for Romania
R Albano, C Samela, I Crăciun, S Manfreda, J Adamowski, A Sole, ...
Water 12 (6), 1834, 2020
Solid waste management planning using GIS and remote sensing technologies case study Aurangabad City, India
SM Ahmed, H Muhammad, A Sivertun
2006 International Conference on Advances in Space Technologies, 196-200, 2006
Lärobok i Militärteknik, vol. 9: Teori och metod
S Axberg, K Andersson, M Bang, N Bruzelius, P Bull, P Eliasson, ...
Försvarshögskolan (FHS), 2013
Individuals living in areas with high background radon: a GIS method to identify populations at risk
S Kohli, K Sahlen, O Löfman, Å Sivertun, M Foldevi, E Trell, O Wigertz
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 53 (2), 105-112, 1997
A GIS-supported method for detecting the hydrological mosaic and the role of man as a hydrological factor
L Andersson, Å Sivertun
Landscape Ecology 5, 107-124, 1991
GIS and RS combined analysis for flood prediction mapping–a case study of Dhaka city corporation, Bangladesh
MZ Sarker, Å Sivertun
Int J Environ Protect 1 (3), 30-42, 2011
Using weather information to improve route planning
P Litzinger, G Navratil, Å Sivertun, D Knorr
Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences: International AGILE'2012 …, 2012
Inter-organizational issues in ICT, GIS and GSD-mapping Swedish emergency management at the local and regional level
J Trnka, M Le Duc, Å Sivertun
Proc. of 2nd ISCRAM Conf, 75-82, 2005
Information design for a 3D nautical navigational visualization system
T Porathe, A Sivertun
Workshop Visual Computing i Redwoods 26, 28th, 2002
Mixed reality systems for technical maintenance and gaze-controlled interaction
T Gustafsson, P Carleberg, P Svensson, S Nilsson, Å Sivertun
FOI sensorteknik, 2005
Ontological approach to modeling information systems
IEA Abugessaisa, A Sivertun
The Fourth International Conference onComputer and Information Technology …, 2004
Analysis of Cross country trafficability
Å Sivertun, A Gumos
Progress in Spatial Data Handling: 12th International Symposium on Spatial …, 2006
A comparison between silica and cation geothermometry of the Malawi hotsprings
Z Dulanya, N Morales-Simfors, A Sivertun
Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, 2010
Mixed reality för tekniskt stöd: Research report to Försvarets Materielverk
T Gustafsson, P Carleberg, S Nilsson, P Svensson, Å Sivertun, M Le Duc
Sensorteknik, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, 2004
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for analysis and communications of multidimensional data
Å Sivertun
Umeå Universitet, 1993
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Artikel 1–20