Bruce Hellinga
Bruce Hellinga
Professor, Transportation Engineering, University of Waterloo
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Evaluation of variable speed limits to improve traffic safety
C Lee, B Hellinga, F Saccomanno
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 14 (3), 213-228, 2006
Real-time crash prediction model for application to crash prevention in freeway traffic
C Lee, B Hellinga, F Saccomanno
Transportation Research Record 1840 (1), 67-77, 2003
Analysis of crash precursors on instrumented freeways
C Lee, F Saccomanno, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Record 1784 (1), 1-8, 2002
Variable speed limits: Safety and operational impacts of a candidate control strategy for freeway applications
P Allaby, B Hellinga, M Bullock
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8 (4), 671-680, 2007
Assessing safety benefits of variable speed limits
C Lee, B Hellinga, F Saccomanno
Transportation Research Record 1897 (1), 183-190, 2004
A rule-based real-time traffic responsive signal control system with transit priority: application to an isolated intersection
F Dion, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 36 (4), 325-343, 2002
Reducing bias in probe-based arterial link travel time estimates
BR Hellinga, L Fu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 10 (4), 257-273, 2002
Decomposing travel times measured by probe-based traffic monitoring systems to individual road segments
B Hellinga, P Izadpanah, H Takada, L Fu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16 (6), 768-782, 2008
Quantifying effects of ramp metering on freeway safety
C Lee, B Hellinga, K Ozbay
Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (2), 279-288, 2006
Impact of driver compliance on the safety and operational impacts of freeway variable speed limit systems
B Hellinga, M Mandelzys
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (4), 260-268, 2011
INTEGRATION: An overview of traffic simulation features
M Van Aerde, B Hellinga, M Baker, H Rakha
Transportation Research Records, 1996
Requirements for the calibration of traffic simulation models
BR Hellinga
Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 4, 211-222, 1998
Systematic verification, validation and calibration of traffic simulation models
H Rakha, B Hellinga, M Van Aerde, W Perez
75th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1996
Assessing expected accuracy of probe vehicle travel time reports
B Hellinga, L Fu
Journal of transportation engineering 125 (6), 524-530, 1999
Delay variability at signalized intersections
L Fu, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Record 1710 (1), 215-221, 2000
Improving freeway speed estimates from single-loop detectors
BR Hellinga
Journal of transportation engineering 128 (1), 58-67, 2002
Vehicle probes as real-time ATMS sources of dynamic OD and travel time data
M Van Aerde, B Hellinga, L Yu, H Rakha
Large Urban Systems-Proc. of the Advanced Traffic Management Conference, 207-230, 1993
Automatic traffic shockwave identification using vehicles’ trajectories
P Izadpanah, B Hellinga, L Fu
Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board …, 2009
Optimization of headways with stop‐skipping control: a case study of bus rapid transit system
X Chen, B Hellinga, C Chang, L Fu
Journal of advanced transportation 49 (3), 385-401, 2015
Analytical method for estimating the impact of transit signal priority on vehicle delay
ZR Abdy, BR Hellinga
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (8), 589-600, 2011
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