M. Paul van der Laan
M. Paul van der Laan
Senior Researcher (Associate Professor with research focus), Technical University of Denmark
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Wind turbine wake models developed at the technical university of Denmark: A review
T Göçmen, P Van der Laan, PE Réthoré, AP Diaz, GC Larsen, S Ott
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 752-769, 2016
An improved kϵ model applied to a wind turbine wake in atmospheric turbulence
MP Van Der Laan, NN Sørensen, PE Réthoré, J Mann, MC Kelly, ...
Wind Energy 18 (5), 889-907, 2015
On the application of the Jensen wake model using a turbulence‐dependent wake decay coefficient: the Sexbierum case
A Peña, PE Réthoré, MP van der Laan
Wind Energy 19 (4), 763-776, 2016
Verification and validation of an actuator disc model
PE Réthoré, P van der Laan, N Troldborg, F Zahle, NN Sørensen
Wind Energy 17 (6), 919-937, 2014
The kϵfP model applied to wind farms
MP van der Laan, NN Sørensen, PE Réthoré, J Mann, MC Kelly, ...
Wind Energy 18 (12), 2065-2084, 2015
Power curve and wake analyses of the Vestas multi-rotor demonstrator
MP van der Laan, SJ Andersen, N Ramos García, N Angelou, GR Pirrung, ...
Wind Energy Science 4 (2), 251-271, 2019
Multimodel validation of single wakes in neutral and stratified atmospheric conditions
P Doubrawa, EW Quon, LA Martinez‐Tossas, K Shaler, M Debnath, ...
Wind Energy 23 (11), 2027-2055, 2020
Why the Coriolis force turns a wind farm wake clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere
MP van der Laan, NN Sørensen
Wind Energy Science 2 (1), 285-294, 2017
Predicting wind farm wake interaction with RANS: an investigation of the Coriolis force
MP Van der Laan, KS Hansen, NN Sørensen, PE Réthoré
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625 (1), 012026, 2015
DTUWindEnergy/PyWake: PyWake
MM Pedersen, P Van Der Laan, M Friis-Møller, J Rinker, PE Réthoré
Zenodo [code] 10, 470, 2019
A new k‐epsilon model consistent with Monin–Obukhov similarity theory
MP van der Laan, MC Kelly, NN Sørensen
Wind Energy 20 (3), 479-489, 2017
Simulation of wake effects between two wind farms
KS Hansen, PE Réthoré, J Palma, BG Hevia, J Prospathopoulos, A Peña, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625 (1), 012008, 2015
CFD simulations of flows in a wind farm in complex terrain and comparisons to measurements
M Sessarego, WZ Shen, MP Van der Laan, KS Hansen, WJ Zhu
Applied Sciences 8 (5), 788, 2018
Observed and modeled near-wake flow behind a solitary tree
E Dellwik, MP van der Laan, N Angelou, J Mann, A Sogachev
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 78-87, 2019
PyWake 2.5. 0: An open-source wind farm simulation tool
MM Pedersen, AM Forsting, P van der Laan, R Riva, LAA Roman, ...
URL https://gitlab. windenergy. dtu. dk/TOPFARM/PyWake, 2023
Comparing and validating intra-farm and farm-to-farm wakes across different mesoscale and high-resolution wake models
J Fischereit, K Schaldemose Hansen, XG Larsén, MP van der Laan, ...
Wind Energy Science 7 (3), 1069-1091, 2022
On wake modeling, wind-farm gradients, and AEP predictions at the Anholt wind farm
A Peña, K Schaldemose Hansen, S Ott, MP van der Laan
Wind Energy Science 3 (1), 191-202, 2018
A consistent method for finite volume discretization of body forces on collocated grids applied to flow through an actuator disk
N Troldborg, NN Sørensen, PE Réthoré, MP van der Laan
Computers & Fluids 119, 197-203, 2015
Rossby number similarity of an atmospheric RANS model using limited-length-scale turbulence closures extended to unstable stratification
MP van der Laan, M Kelly, R Floors, A Peña
Wind Energy Science 5 (1), 355-374, 2020
Improved energy production of multi-rotor wind farms
MP van der Laan, M Abkar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1256 (1), 012011, 2019
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