Dilpuneet Aidhy
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Point defect evolution in Ni, NiFe and NiCr alloys from atomistic simulations and irradiation experiments
DS Aidhy, C Lu, K Jin, H Bei, Y Zhang, L Wang, WJ Weber
Acta Materialia 99, 69-76, 2015
Influence of chemical disorder on energy dissipation and defect evolution in advanced alloys
Y Zhang, K Jin, H Xue, C Lu, RJ Olsen, LK Beland, MW Ullah, S Zhao, ...
Journal of Materials Research 31 (16), 2363-2375, 2016
Damage accumulation in ion-irradiated Ni-based concentrated solid-solution alloys
MW Ullah, DS Aidhy, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Acta Materialia 109, 17-22, 2016
Entropy contributions to phase stability in binary random solid solutions
A Manzoor, S Pandey, D Chakraborty, SR Phillpot, DS Aidhy
npj Computational Materials 4 (1), 47, 2018
The effect of electronic energy loss on irradiation-induced grain growth in nanocrystalline oxides
Y Zhang, DS Aidhy, T Varga, S Moll, PD Edmondson, F Namavar, K Jin, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (17), 8051-8059, 2014
Chemical expansion affected oxygen vacancy stability in different oxide structures from first principles calculations
DS Aidhy, B Liu, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Computational Materials Science 99, 298-305, 2015
Vacancy‐Ordered Structure of Cubic Bismuth Oxide from Simulation and Crystallographic Analysis
DS Aidhy, JC Nino, SB Sinnott, ED Wachsman, SR Phillpot
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (7), 2349-2356, 2008
Kinetically evolving irradiation-induced point defect clusters in by molecular dynamics simulation
DS Aidhy, PC Millett, T Desai, D Wolf, SR Phillpot
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104107, 2009
A fast grain-growth mechanism revealed in nanocrystalline ceramic oxides
DS Aidhy, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Scripta Materialia 83, 9-12, 2014
Comparison of point-defect clustering in irradiated CeO2 and UO2: A unified view from molecular dynamics simulations and experiments
DS Aidhy, D Wolf, A El-Azab
Scripta Materialia 65 (10), 867-870, 2011
Formation and growth of stacking fault tetrahedra in Ni via vacancy aggregation mechanism
DS Aidhy, C Lu, K Jin, H Bei, Y Zhang, L Wang, WJ Weber
Scripta Materialia 114, 137-141, 2016
Strain-induced phase and oxygen-vacancy stability in ionic interfaces from first-principles calculations
DS Aidhy, B Liu, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (51), 30139-30144, 2014
Forging fast ion conducting nanochannels with swift heavy ions: the correlated role of local electronic and atomic structure
R Sachan, VR Cooper, B Liu, DS Aidhy, BK Voas, M Lang, X Ou, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (1), 975-981, 2017
Fast ion conductivity in strained defect-fluorite structure created by ion tracks in Gd2Ti2O7
DS Aidhy, R Sachan, E Zarkadoula, O Pakarinen, MF Chisholm, Y Zhang, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16297, 2015
Impact of segregation energetics on oxygen conductivity at ionic grain boundaries
DS Aidhy, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (6), 1704-1709, 2014
Investigation of oxygen point defects in cubic ZrO2 by density functional theory
B Liu, H Xiao, Y Zhang, DS Aidhy, WJ Weber
Computational materials science 92, 22-27, 2014
Strained ionic interfaces: Effect on oxygen diffusivity from atomistic simulations
DS Aidhy, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (8), 4207-4212, 2014
Effect of ionic polarizability on oxygen diffusion in δ-Bi2O3 from atomistic simulation
DS Aidhy, SB Sinnott, ED Wachsman, SR Phillpot
Ionics 16, 297-303, 2010
Radiation damage in cubic ZrO2 and yttria-stabilized zirconia from molecular dynamics simulations
DS Aidhy, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Scripta Materialia 98, 16-19, 2015
A statistical approach for atomistic calculations of vacancy formation energy and chemical potentials in concentrated solid-solution alloys
Y Zhang, A Manzoor, C Jiang, D Aidhy, D Schwen
Computational Materials Science 190, 110308, 2021
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