Sergio Cabello
Sergio Cabello
University of Ljubljana and Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics
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Adding one edge to planar graphs makes crossing number and 1-planarity hard
S Cabello, B Mohar
SIAM Journal on Computing 42 (5), 1803-1829, 2013
Schematization of networks
S Cabello, M de Berg, M van Kreveld
Computational Geometry 30 (3), 223-238, 2005
Multiple-source shortest paths in embedded graphs
S Cabello, EW Chambers, J Erickson
SIAM Journal on Computing 42 (4), 1542-1571, 2013
Facility location problems in the plane based on reverse nearest neighbor queries
S Cabello, JM Díaz-Báñez, S Langerman, C Seara, I Ventura
European Journal of Operational Research 202 (1), 99-106, 2010
Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard
S Cabello
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 10 (2), 353–363, 2006
Testing Homotopy for Paths in the Plane
S Cabello, Y Liu, A Mantler, J Snoeyink
Discret. Comput. Geom. 31 (1), 61-81, 2004
Subquadratic algorithms for the diameter and the sum of pairwise distances in planar graphs
S Cabello
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 15 (2), 1-38, 2018
Secret sharing schemes with detection of cheaters for a general access structure
S Cabello, C Padró, G Sáez
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 25 (2), 175-188, 2002
Annotating simplices with a homology basis and its applications
O Busaryev, S Cabello, C Chen, TK Dey, Y Wang
Scandinavian workshop on algorithm theory, 189-200, 2012
Parameterized Complexity of 1-Planarity
MJ Bannister, S Cabello, D Eppstein
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 22 (1), 23-49, 2018
Finding shortest non-separating and non-contractible cycles for topologically embedded graphs
S Cabello, B Mohar
Discrete & Computational Geometry 37 (2), 213-235, 2007
On the b-chromatic number of regular graphs
S Cabello, M Jakovac
Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (13), 1303-1310, 2011
Planar embeddings of graphs with specified edge lengths
S Cabello, ED Demaine, G Rote
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 11, 259--276, 2007
Matching point sets with respect to the Earth Mover's Distance
S Cabello, P Giannopoulos, C Knauer, G Rote
Computational Geometry 39 (2), 118-133, 2008
Shortest paths in intersection graphs of unit disks
S Cabello, M Jejčič
Computational Geometry 48 (4), 360-367, 2015
The clique problem in ray intersection graphs
S Cabello, J Cardinal, S Langerman
Discrete & computational geometry 50, 771-783, 2013
Algorithmic aspects of proportional symbol maps
S Cabello, H Haverkort, M van Kreveld, B Speckmann
Algorithmica 58 (3), 543-565, 2010
Area-preserving approximations of polygonal paths
P Bose, S Cabello, O Cheong, J Gudmundsson, M Van Kreveld, ...
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 4 (4), 554-566, 2006
Crossing number and weighted crossing number of near-planar graphs
S Cabello, B Mohar
Algorithmica 60 (3), 484-504, 2011
Covering many or few points with unit disks
M de Berg, S Cabello, S Har-Peled
Theory of Computing Systems 45 (3), 446-469, 2009
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