Jeonghwan Ahn
Jeonghwan Ahn
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Konkuk University
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Phase stability and interlayer interaction of blue phosphorene
J Ahn, I Hong, Y Kwon, RC Clay, L Shulenburger, H Shin, A Benali
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085429, 2018
Competition between Hückel’s Rule and Jahn–Teller Distortion in Small Carbon Rings: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
I Hong, J Ahn, H Shin, H Bae, H Lee, A Benali, Y Kwon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 (18), 3636-3640, 2020
Prediction of stable and metastable commensurate solid phases for on graphite
J Ahn, H Lee, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 93 (6), 064511, 2016
Energetic stability of free-standing and metal-supported borophenes: Quantum monte carlo and density functional theory calculations
J Ahn, I Hong, G Lee, H Shin, A Benali, Y Kwon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (44), 24420-24428, 2020
Role of remote interfacial phonons in the resistivity of graphene
YG You, JH Ahn, BH Park, Y Kwon, EEB Campbell, SH Jhang
Applied Physics Letters 115 (4), 2019
Commensurate-incommensurate solid transition in the monolayer on -graphyne
J Ahn, H Lee, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 90 (7), 075433, 2014
Stacking Faults and Topological Properties in MnBi2Te4: Reconciling Gapped and Gapless States
J Ahn, SH Kang, M Yoon, P Ganesh, JT Krogel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (40), 9052-9059, 2023
Metastable Metallic Phase of a Bilayer Blue Phosphorene Induced by Interlayer Bonding and Intralayer Charge Redistributions
J Ahn, I Hong, G Lee, H Shin, A Benali, Y Kwon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (45), 10981-10986, 2021
Adsorption of a single Pt atom on graphene: spin crossing between physisorbed triplet and chemisorbed singlet states
J Ahn, I Hong, G Lee, H Shin, A Benali, Y Kwon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (38), 22147-22154, 2021
Symmetry-changing commensurate-incommensurate solid transition in the monolayer on 6,6,12-graphyne
J Ahn, M You, G Lee, T Volkoff, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 99 (2), 024113, 2019
Control of CO2 Capture Process on Transition-Metal-Porphyrin-like Graphene with Mechanical Strain
S Park, H Bae, J Ahn, H Lee, Y Kwon
ACS omega 3 (9), 10554-10563, 2018
Hydrogen separation with a graphenylene monolayer: Diffusion Monte Carlo study
G Lee, I Hong, J Ahn, H Shin, A Benali, Y Kwon
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (14), 2022
Magnetic measures of purity for MnBi Te
MC Bennett, J Ahn, A Pham, G Wang, P Ganesh, JT Krogel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.04268, 2022
Interlayer correlation between two monolayers adsorbed on both sides of -graphyne
J Ahn, S Park, H Lee, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 92 (3), 035402, 2015
Structural Stability of Graphene-Supported Pt Layers: Diffusion Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory Calculations
J Ahn, I Hong, G Lee, H Shin, A Benali, JT Krogel, Y Kwon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (37), 18630-18640, 2023
Two-dimensional superfluidity in clusters intercalated into graphite
J Ahn, T Volkoff, JS Kim, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 102 (14), 144527, 2020
Towards improved property prediction of two-dimensional (2D) materials using many-body Quantum Monte Carlo methods
D Wines, J Ahn, A Benali, PRC Kent, JT Krogel, Y Kwon, L Mitas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.02753, 2024
Vacancy-induced supersolidity of the second layer on a biphenylene carbon sheet
J Ahn, Y Kwon
Physical Review B 107 (9), 094510, 2023
Identifying Band Inversions in Topological Materials Using Diffusion Monte Carlo
A Lopez, CA Melton, J Ahn, BM Rubenstein, JT Krogel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.14388, 2024
Design of biphenylene-derived tunable dirac materials
I Hong, H Bae, J Ahn, H Shin, H Lee, Y Kwon
FlatChem 48, 100760, 2024
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