Wissam EL Hachem
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Towards a holistic sustainability index for measuring sustainability of manufacturing companies
R Harik, W El Hachem, K Medini, A Bernard
International Journal of Production Research 53 (13), 4117-4139, 2015
Accelerating the transition to alternative fuel vehicles through a Distributive Justice perspective
W El Hachem, P De Giovanni
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 75, 72-86, 2019
Interactions between manufacturers’ R&D Investment and Government Regulations: The case of transition to alternative fuel vehicles
WEL Hachem
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 70 (3), 1147-1161, 2022
Combining several thermal indices to generate a unique heat comfort assessment methodology
W El Hachem, J Khoury, R Harik
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 8 (5), 1491-1511, 2015
Systemic assessment framework of a learning organization's competitive positioning
W El Hachem, R Harik, J Khoury
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 7 (4), 891-918, 2014
Error generation, inventory record inaccuracy (IRI) and effects on performance: a dynamic investigation
W El Hachem, R Harik, J Khoury
Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of Industries: 13th …, 2016
Mental Model Moderation, Modification and Managing (5M) framework a system dynamics and Brunswikian Lens model approach to complex decision making
WEL Hachem, J Khoury, R Harik
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations …, 2015
Three essays on transition to alternative fuel vehicles through distributive justice| Theses. fr
W El Hachem
Cergy-Pontoise, Ecole supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales, 2019
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