David Patterson
David Patterson
University of California, Santa Barbara
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Enantiomer-specific detection of chiral molecules via microwave spectroscopy
D Patterson, M Schnell, JM Doyle
Nature 497 (7450), 475-477, 2013
Buffer-gas loading of atoms and molecules into a magnetic trap
JM Doyle, B Friedrich, J Kim, D Patterson
Physical Review A 52 (4), R2515, 1995
High-flux beam source for cold, slow atoms or molecules
SE Maxwell, N Brahms, R deCarvalho, DR Glenn, JS Helton, SV Nguyen, ...
Physical Review Letters 95 (17), 173201, 2005
Buffer-gas loaded magnetic traps for atoms and molecules: A primer
R deCarvalho, JM Doyle, B Friedrich, T Guillet, J Kim, D Patterson, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 1999
Bright, guided molecular beam with hydrodynamic enhancement
D Patterson, JM Doyle
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (15), 2007
Search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide
AC Vutha, WC Campbell, YV Gurevich, NR Hutzler, M Parsons, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43 (7), 074007, 2010
Probing Johnson noise and ballistic transport in normal metals with a single-spin qubit
S Kolkowitz, A Safira, AA High, RC Devlin, S Choi, QP Unterreithmeier, ...
Science 347 (6226), 1129-1132, 2015
Sensitive chiral analysis via microwave three-wave mixing
D Patterson, JM Doyle
Physical review letters 111 (2), 023008, 2013
Buffer-gas loading and magnetic trapping of atomic europium
J Kim, B Friedrich, DP Katz, D Patterson, JD Weinstein, R DeCarvalho, ...
Physical Review Letters 78 (19), 3665, 1997
Enantiomer-specific state transfer of chiral molecules
S Eibenberger, J Doyle, D Patterson
Physical review letters 118 (12), 123002, 2017
Continuous probing of cold complex molecules with infrared frequency comb spectroscopy
B Spaun, PB Changala, D Patterson, BJ Bjork, OH Heckl, JM Doyle, J Ye
Nature 533 (7604), 517-520, 2016
Identifying enantiomers in mixtures of chiral molecules with broadband microwave spectroscopy
VA Shubert, D Schmitz, D Patterson, JM Doyle, M Schnell
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (4), 1152-1155, 2014
Cold heteromolecular dipolar collisions
BC Sawyer, BK Stuhl, M Yeo, TV Tscherbul, MT Hummon, Y Xia, J Kłos, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 13 (42), 19059-19066, 2011
Intense atomic and molecular beams via neon buffer-gas cooling
D Patterson, J Rasmussen, JM Doyle
New Journal of Physics 11 (5), 055018, 2009
New studies on molecular chirality in the gas phase: enantiomer differentiation and determination of enantiomeric excess
D Patterson, M Schnell
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (23), 11114-11123, 2014
Magnetic trapping of atomic chromium
JD Weinstein, R DeCarvalho, J Kim, D Patterson, B Friedrich, JM Doyle
Physical Review A 57 (5), R3173, 1998
Spectroscopy of laser-ablated buffer-gas-cooled PbO at 4 K and the prospects for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron
D Egorov, JD Weinstein, D Patterson, B Friedrich, JM Doyle
Physical Review A 63 (3), 030501, 2001
Chiral analysis using broadband rotational spectroscopy
VA Shubert, D Schmitz, C Pérez, C Medcraft, A Krin, SR Domingos, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (2), 341-350, 2016
Cooling molecules in a cell for FTMW spectroscopy
D Patterson, JM Doyle
Molecular Physics 110 (15-16), 1757-1766, 2012
Rotational spectroscopy and three-wave mixing of 4-carvomenthenol: A technical guide to measuring chirality in the microwave regime
VA Shubert, D Schmitz, C Medcraft, A Krin, D Patterson, JM Doyle, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (21), 2015
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