Siniša Šadek
Siniša Šadek
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
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Application of ASTEC, MELCOR, and MAAP computer codes for thermal hydraulic analysis of a PWR containment equipped with the PCFV and PAR systems
S Šadek, D Grgić, Z Šimić
Science and technology of nuclear installations 2017 (1), 8431934, 2017
RELAP5/SCDAPSIM analysis of the QUENCH-06 experiment
SŠ Date, SŠ Date, DG Date
Coupled code calculation of rod withdrawal at power accident
D Grgić, V Benčik, S Šadek
Nuclear engineering and design 261, 285-305, 2013
Uncertainty study of the in-vessel phase of a severe accident in a pressurized water reactor
S Šadek, D Grgić, C Allison, M Perez-Ferragut
Energies 15 (5), 1842, 2022
Operation and Performance Analysis of Steam Generators in Nuclear Power Plants
S Šadek, D Grgić
Heat Exchangers-Advanced Features and Applications, 2017
Influence of modelling options in RELAP5/SCDAPSIM and MAAP4 computer codes on core melt progression and reactor pressure vessel integrity
S Šadek, S Špalj, B Glaser
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2010 (1), 163279, 2010
QUENCH-11 experiment analysis with RELAP5/SCDAPSIM code
S Šadek, N Debrecin, S Špalj
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Option in …, 2008
Calculation of hydrogen concentration in containment during LOCA accident
D Grgić, T Fancev, S Šadek
the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small …, 2014
RELAP5 modeling of PWR reactor RTD bypass
D Grgić, V Benčik, S Šadek, N Čavlina
Proc. of the 8 th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and …, 2010
Analysis of the upflow conversion modification and influence on selected LOCA accidents in a PWR plant
S Šadek, D Grgić, V Benčik, Š Vlahović
Nuclear engineering and design 369, 110854, 2020
Overview of techno-economic issues of enhanced geothermal systems implementation and integration
T Bilić, I Rajšl, P Ilak, S Raos, S Šadek, S Krajcar, N Debrecin, A Genter, ...
Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and …, 2018
NPP Krško Station Blackout Analysis after Safety Upgrade Using MELCOR Code
S Šadek, D Grgić, V Benčik
Journal of Energy: Energija 65 (3-4), 0-0, 2016
Analysis of the NPP Krško Station Blackout Accident with PAR and PCFV Using MELCOR 1.8. 6 Code
S Šadek, D Grgić, V Benčik
FER-ZVNE/SA/DA-TR01/15-1, Revision 1, 2015
NEK RELAP5/MOD3. 3 Steady-State and On-Transient Qualification Report (Based on NEK ESD TR09/03)
T Bajs, V Bencik, S Šadek
NEK ESD TR 10 (03), 2003
Room Classification Based on EMC Conditions in Nuclear Power Plants
H Grganić, D Grgić, S Šadek
Energies 13 (2), 359, 2020
Economic and environmental assessment of enhanced geothermal systems integration into energy systems: Decision-making support tool for optimal usage of geothermal energy
P Ilak, S Raos, I Rajšl, T Bilić, G Trullenque, S Šadek, A Marušić
Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and …, 2018
Benchmark exercise on QUENCH-11 experiment
A Stefanova, P Groudev, L Sepold, M Steinbrück, J Stuckert, W Hering, ...
2nd European review Meeting on Severe Accidnet research, ERMSAR2, Karlsruhe, 2007
Spatial Distribution of Hydrogen in NEK Containment
D Grgić, T Fancev, S Šadek, V Benčik
International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2014, 306.1-306.12, 2014
Radiation heat transfer in a pressurized water reactor lower head filled with molten corium
S Šadek, D Grgić, N Debrecin
Nuclear engineering and design 254, 154-164, 2013
NEK 3 inch Cold Leg Break LOCA Calculation using TRACE 5.0 p5 and RELAP5/MOD 3.3 Codes
V Benčik, D Grgić, S Šadek
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society, 2022
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