Lorraine Lin
Lorraine Lin
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Need a hand? How appearance affects the virtual hand illusion
L Lin, S Jörg
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on applied perception, 69-76, 2016
The effect of hand size and interaction modality on the virtual hand illusion
L Lin, A Normoyle, A Adkins, Y Sun, A Robb, Y Ye, M Di Luca, S Jörg
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 510-518, 2019
Touch with foreign hands: The effect of virtual hand appearance on visual-haptic integration
V Schwind, L Lin, M Di Luca, S Jörg, J Hillis
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 1-8, 2018
How character customization affects learning in computational thinking
L Lin, D Parmar, SV Babu, AE Leonard, SB Daily, S Jörg
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 1-8, 2017
How immersion and self-avatars in VR affect learning programming and computational thinking in middle school education
D Parmar, L Lin, N DSouza, S Jörg, AE Leonard, SB Daily, SV Babu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (8), 3698-3713, 2022
Evaluating grasping visualizations and control modes in a vr game
A Adkins, L Lin, A Normoyle, R Canales, Y Ye, S Jörg
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 18 (4), 1-14, 2021
Can embodied interaction and virtual peer customization in a virtual programming environment enhance computational thinking?
D Parmar, SV Babu, L Lin, S Jörg, N D'Souza, AE Leonard, SB Daily
2016 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering …, 2016
The effect of realism on the virtual hand illusion
L Lin, S Jörg
2016 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 217-218, 2016
How important are detailed hand motions for communication for a virtual character through the lens of charades?
A Adkins, A Normoyle, L Lin, Y Sun, Y Ye, M Di Luca, S Joerg
ACM Transactions on Graphics 42 (3), 1-16, 2023
Meet the (media) producers: artists, composers, and gamemakers
DC Herro, L Lin, M Fowler
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 9 (1), 40-53, 2017
Do cartoons feel pain? using the virtual hand illusion to test human response to degrees of realism
L Lin, S Jörg
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception, 134-134, 2015
Depth judgment measures and occluders in near-field augmented reality
G Singh, JE Swan, JA Jones, L Lin, SR Ellis
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and …, 2009
Evaluating Effects of Character Appearance on Ownership and Learning in Virtual Applications
L Lin
Clemson University, 2019
Touch with Foreign Hands: The Effect of Virtual Hand Appearance on Visual-Haptic Integration
L Lin, M Di, S Jörg, J Hillis
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