Brent Helliker
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C4 photosynthesis, atmospheric CO2, and climate
JR Ehleringer, TE Cerling, BR Helliker
Oecologia 112, 285-299, 1997
A re-evaluation of carbon storage in trees lends greater support for carbon limitation to growth
E Wiley, B Helliker
New Phytologist 195 (2), 285-289, 2012
Methane flux in non‐wetland soils in response to nitrogen addition: a meta‐analysis
EL Aronson, BR Helliker
Ecology 91 (11), 3242-3251, 2010
Stable isotopes in leaf water of terrestrial plants
LA Cernusak, MM Barbour, SK Arndt, AW Cheesman, NB English, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (5), 1087-1102, 2016
Subtropical to boreal convergence of tree-leaf temperatures
BR Helliker, SL Richter
Nature 454 (7203), 511-514, 2008
Establishing a grassland signature in veins: 18O in the leaf water of C3 and C4 grasses
BR Helliker, JR Ehleringer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (14), 7894-7898, 2000
The energetic and carbon economic origins of leaf thermoregulation
ST Michaletz, MD Weiser, NG McDowell, J Zhou, M Kaspari, BR Helliker, ...
Nature plants 2 (9), 1-9, 2016
Plant thermoregulation: energetics, trait–environment interactions, and carbon economics
ST Michaletz, MD Weiser, J Zhou, M Kaspari, BR Helliker, BJ Enquist
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (12), 714-724, 2015
Stem water cryogenic extraction biases estimation in deuterium isotope composition of plant source water
Y Chen, BR Helliker, X Tang, F Li, Y Zhou, X Song
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33345-33350, 2020
The effects of defoliation on carbon allocation: can carbon limitation reduce growth in favour of storage?
E Wiley, S Huepenbecker, BB Casper, BR Helliker
Tree Physiology 33 (11), 1216-1228, 2013
Hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes in grasses are insensitive to transpiration
FA McInerney, BR Helliker, KH Freeman
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (2), 541-554, 2011
Plant response to climate change varies with topography, interactions with neighbors, and ecotype
P Liancourt, LA Spence, DS Song, A Lkhagva, A Sharkhuu, B Boldgiv, ...
Ecology 94 (2), 444-453, 2013
Differential 18O enrichment of leaf cellulose in C3 versus C4 grasses
BR Helliker, JR Ehleringer
Functional Plant Biology 29 (4), 435-442, 2002
Environmental impacts on the diversity of methane-cycling microbes and their resultant function
EL Aronson, SD Allison, BR Helliker
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 225, 2013
Continuous, long-term, high-frequency thermal imaging of vegetation: Uncertainties and recommended best practices
DM Aubrecht, BR Helliker, ML Goulden, DA Roberts, CJ Still, ...
Agricultural and forest Meteorology 228, 315-326, 2016
Thermal imaging in plant and ecosystem ecology: applications and challenges
C Still, R Powell, D Aubrecht, Y Kim, B Helliker, D Roberts, ...
Ecosphere 10 (6), e02768, 2019
A rapid and precise method for sampling and determining the oxygen isotope ratio of atmospheric water vapor
BR Helliker, JS Roden, C Cook, JR Ehleringer
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 16 (10), 929-932, 2002
Recovery following defoliation involves shifts in allocation that favour storage and reproduction over radial growth in black oak
E Wiley, BB Casper, BR Helliker
Journal of Ecology 105 (2), 412-424, 2017
Stable isotopes and carbon cycle processes in forests and grasslands
JR Ehleringer, DR Bowling, LB Flanagan, J Fessenden, B Helliker, ...
Plant biology 4 (02), 181-189, 2002
Transpiration rate relates to within‐and across‐species variations in effective path length in a leaf water model of oxygen isotope enrichment
XIN Song, MM Barbour, GD Farquhar, DR Vann, BR Helliker
Plant, Cell & Environment 36 (7), 1338-1351, 2013
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