massimiliano pastore
massimiliano pastore
Professor of Psychometrics, University of Padova
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Parents' stress and children's psychological problems in families facing the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy
M Spinelli, F Lionetti, M Pastore, M Fasolo
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1713, 2020
Social support, sense of community in school, and self-efficacy as resources during early adolescence: An integrative model
A Vieno, M Santinello, M Pastore, DD Perkins
American journal of community psychology 39, 177-190, 2007
Measuring distribution similarities between samples: a distribution-free overlapping index
M Pastore, A Calcagnì
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1089, 2019
Parenting and antisocial behavior: a model of the relationship between adolescent self-disclosure, parental closeness, parental control, and adolescent antisocial behavior.
A Vieno, M Nation, M Pastore, M Santinello
Developmental psychology 45 (6), 1509, 2009
Attachment in institutionalized children: A review and meta-analysis
F Lionetti, M Pastore, L Barone
Child abuse & neglect 42, 135-145, 2015
Sensory processing sensitivity and its association with personality traits and affect: A meta-analysis
F Lionetti, M Pastore, U Moscardino, A Nocentini, K Pluess, M Pluess
Journal of Research in Personality 81, 138-152, 2019
How school can teach civic engagement besides civic education: The role of democratic school climate
M Lenzi, A Vieno, J Sharkey, A Mayworm, L Scacchi, M Pastore, ...
American journal of community psychology 54, 251-261, 2014
Modeling the contribution of personality, social identity and social norms to problematic Facebook use in adolescents
C Marino, A Vieno, M Pastore, IP Albery, D Frings, MM Spada
Addictive behaviors 63, 51-56, 2016
Perceived neighborhood social resources as determinants of prosocial behavior in early adolescence
M Lenzi, A Vieno, DD Perkins, M Pastore, M Santinello, S Mazzardis
American journal of community psychology 50, 37-49, 2012
Overlapping: a R package for estimating overlapping in empirical distributions
M Pastore
Journal of Open Source Software 3 (32), 1023, 2018
Neighborhood social connectedness and adolescent civic engagement: An integrative model
M Lenzi, A Vieno, M Pastore, M Santinello
Journal of Environmental Psychology 34, 45-54, 2013
Working memory training for healthy older adults: the role of individual characteristics in explaining short-and long-term gains
E Borella, E Carbone, M Pastore, R De Beni, B Carretti
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 99, 2017
“United we stand, divided we fall”! The protective function of self-stereotyping for stigmatised members’ psychological well-being.
M Latrofa, J Vaes, M Pastore, M Cadinu
Applied Psychology: An International Review 58 (1), 2009
“You’re not alone”: Music as a source of consolation among adolescents and young adults
TFM Ter Bogt, A Vieno, SM Doornwaard, M Pastore, ...
Psychology of music 45 (2), 155-171, 2017
The effects of perceived competence and sociability on electoral outcomes
L Castelli, L Carraro, C Ghitti, M Pastore
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (5), 1152-1155, 2009
Temporal dynamics linking aspects of parent monitoring with early adolescent antisocial behavior
J Kiesner, TJ Dishion, F Poulin, M Pastore
Social Development 18 (4), 765-784, 2009
Social capital, safety concerns, parenting, and early adolescents' antisocial behavior
A Vieno, M Nation, DD Perkins, M Pastore, M Santinello
Journal of community psychology 38 (3), 314-328, 2010
Transcranial direct current stimulation and cognitive training in the rehabilitation of Alzheimer disease: A case study
B Penolazzi, S Bergamaschi, M Pastore, D Villani, G Sartori, S Mondini
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 25 (6), 799-817, 2015
Electrode montage dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on semantic fluency
B Penolazzi, M Pastore, S Mondini
Behavioural brain research 248, 129-135, 2013
Mothers who murdered their child: An attachment-based study on filicide
L Barone, A Bramante, F Lionetti, M Pastore
Child Abuse & Neglect 38 (9), 1468-1477, 2014
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