Taiichi Yamada
Taiichi Yamada
Kanto Gakuin University
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Dilute multi- cluster states in nuclei
T Yamada, P Schuck
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (2), 024309, 2004
-Particle Condensation in Studied with a Full Four-Body Orthogonality Condition <?format ?>Model Calculation
Y Funaki, T Yamada, H Horiuchi, G Röpke, P Schuck, A Tohsaki
Physical review letters 101 (8), 082502, 2008
Four-body cluster structure of double-Λ hypernuclei
E Hiyama, M Kamimura, T Motoba, T Yamada, Y Yamamoto
Physical Review C 66 (2), 024007, 2002
Three- and Four-Body Cluster Models of Hypernuclei Using theG-Matrix ΛN Interaction: 9 ΛBe, 13ΛC,   6ΛΛHe and 10ΛΛBe
E Hiyama, M Kamimura, T Motoba, T Yamada, Y Yamamoto
Progress of theoretical physics 97 (6), 881-899, 1997
Spin-Orbit Splittings in and Studied with One-Boson-Exchange Interactions
E Hiyama, M Kamimura, T Motoba, T Yamada, Y Yamamoto
Physical review letters 85 (2), 270, 2000
Concepts of nuclear -particle condensation
Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, W Von Oertzen, G Röpke, P Schuck, A Tohsaki, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (6), 064326, 2009
Single α-particle orbits and Bose-Einstein condensation in 12C
T Yamada, P Schuck
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 26 (2), 185-199, 2005
Three-body model study of A= 6–7 hypernuclei: Halo and skin structures
E Hiyama, M Kamimura, T Motoba, T Yamada, Y Yamamoto
Physical Review C 53 (5), 2075, 1996
Production, structure and decay of light p-shell Λ-hypernuclei
T Motoba, H Bando, K Ikeda, T Yamada
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement, 42-103, 1985
Nonlocalized clustering: A new concept in nuclear cluster structure physics
B Zhou, Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, Z Ren, G Röpke, P Schuck, A Tohsaki, C Xu, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (26), 262501, 2013
Monopole Excitation to Cluster States
T Yamada, Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, K Ikeda, A Tohsaki
Prog. Theor. Phys. 120, 1139, 2008
Monopole Excitation to Cluster States
AT T. Yamada, Y. Funaki, H. Horiuchi, K. Ikeda
Prog. Theor. Phys. 120, 1139, 2008
conversion in and based on a four-body calculation
E Hiyama, M Kamimura, T Motoba, T Yamada, Y Yamamoto
Physical Review C 65 (1), 011301, 2001
Structure of light hypernuclei
E Hiyama, T Yamada
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 63 (2), 339-395, 2009
Nuclear clusters bound to doubly magic nuclei: The case of
G Röpke, P Schuck, Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, Z Ren, A Tohsaki, C Xu, ...
Physical Review C 90 (3), 034304, 2014
Isoscalar monopole excitations in O: -cluster states at low energy and mean-field-type states at higher energy
T Yamada, Y Funaki, T Myo, H Horiuchi, K Ikeda, G Röpke, P Schuck, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (3), 034315, 2012
-decay width of from a quartetting wave function approach
C Xu, Z Ren, G Röpke, P Schuck, Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, A Tohsaki, ...
Physical Review C 93 (1), 011306, 2016
Microscopic study of -particle condensation with inclusion of resonances
Y Funaki, T Yamada, A Tohsaki, H Horiuchi, G Röpke, P Schuck
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (2), 024312, 2010
New concept for the ground-state band in Ne within a microscopic cluster model
B Zhou, Z Ren, C Xu, Y Funaki, T Yamada, A Tohsaki, H Horiuchi, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (1), 014301, 2012
-cluster formation and decay in the quartetting wave function approach
C Xu, G Röpke, P Schuck, Z Ren, Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, A Tohsaki, ...
Physical Review C 95 (6), 061306, 2017
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