Davor Grgic
Davor Grgic
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
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The design and safety features of the IRIS reactor
MD Carelli, LE Conway, L Oriani, B Petrović, CV Lombardi, ME Ricotti, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 230 (1-3), 151-167, 2004
Analysis of different containment models for IRIS small break LOCA, using GOTHIC and RELAP5 codes
D Papini, D Grgić, A Cammi, ME Ricotti
Nuclear engineering and design 241 (4), 1152-1164, 2011
The SPES3 experimental facility design for the IRIS reactor simulation
M Carelli, L Conway, M Dzodzo, A Maioli, L Oriani, G Storrick, B Petrovic, ...
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2009 (1), 579430, 2009
Development of RELAP5 nodalization for IRIS non-LOCA transient analyses
T Bajs, D Grgić, V Šegon, L Oriani, LE Conway
Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences: A Century in Review, 2003
Application of ASTEC, MELCOR, and MAAP computer codes for thermal hydraulic analysis of a PWR containment equipped with the PCFV and PAR systems
S Šadek, D Grgić, Z Šimić
Science and technology of nuclear installations 2017 (1), 8431934, 2017
IRIS (International Reactor Innovative and Secure)-design overview and deployment prospects
MD Carelli, B Petrovic, N Cavlina, D Grgic
Coupled relap5/gothic model for iris sbloca analysis
D Grgic, N Cavlina, T Bajs, L Oriani, LE Conway
SPES3 facility RELAP5 sensitivity analyses on the containment system for design review
A Achilli, C Congiu, R Ferri, F Bianchi, P Meloni, D Grgić, M Dzodzo
Science and technology of nuclear installations 2012 (1), 173637, 2012
Three mile island unit 1 main steam line break three-dimensional neutronics/thermal-hydraulics analysis: application of different coupled codes
F D’Auria, JLG Moreno, GM Galassi, D Grgic, A Spadoni
Nuclear technology 142 (2), 180-204, 2003
Coupled RELAP5/GOTHIC model for IRIS reactor SBLOCA analysis
D Grgić, T Bajs, L Oriani, LE Conway
ICAPP’; 03, 2003
A new heuristics for the event ordering in binary decision diagram applied in fault tree analysis
R Banov, Z Šimić, D Grgić
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2020
Application of fractional scaling analysis for development and design of integral effects test facility
MB Dzodzo, F Oriolo, W Ambrosini, M Ricotti, D Grgic, R Ferri, A Achilli, ...
Journal of nuclear engineering and radiation science 5 (4), 041208, 2019
Coupled code calculation of rod withdrawal at power accident
D Grgić, V Benčik, S Šadek
Nuclear engineering and design 261, 285-305, 2013
Prediction of local hydrogen concentrations in PWR containment using GOTHIC code
D Grgić, Z Šimić, B Glaser
2012 ANS Annual Meeting, 2012
IRIS (International Reactor Innovative and Secure)
MD Carelli, B Petrovic, LE Conway, L Oriani, CL Kling, K Miller, ...
Overview of computational challenges in the development of evaluation models for safety analyses of the IRIS reactor
L Oriani, LE Conway, D Grgic, T Bajs, ME Ricotti, A Barroso
Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences: A Century in Review, A …, 2003
Uncertainty study of the in-vessel phase of a severe accident in a pressurized water reactor
S Šadek, D Grgić, C Allison, M Perez-Ferragut
Energies 15 (5), 1842, 2022
Operation and Performance Analysis of Steam Generators in Nuclear Power Plants
S Šadek, D Grgić
Heat Exchangers-Advanced Features and Applications, 2017
SPES3 facility and IRIS reactor numerical simulations for the SPES3 final design
R Ferri, A Achilli, C Congiu, G Cattadori, M Greco, F Bianchi, P Meloni, ...
Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference (ENC’10), 2010
SPES-3 experimental facility design for IRIS reactor integral testing
MD Carelli, B Petrovic, M Dzodzo, L Oriani, L Conway, G Cattadori, ...
Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference (ENC’07), 2007
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