K. Levin
K. Levin
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BCS–BEC crossover: From high temperature superconductors to ultracold superfluids
Q Chen, J Stajic, S Tan, K Levin
Physics Reports 412 (1), 1-88, 2005
BCS-BEC crossover: From high temperature superconductors to ultracold superfluids
C Qijin, J Stajic, S Tan, K Levin
Heat capacity of a strongly interacting Fermi gas
J Kinast, A Turlapov, JE Thomas, Q Chen, J Stajic, K Levin
Science 307 (5713), 1296-1299, 2005
Kondo bosons and the Kondo lattice: Microscopic basis for the heavy Fermi liquid
A Auerbach, K Levin
Physical review letters 57 (7), 877, 1986
Comparison of spin dynamics in and : Effects of Fermi-surface geometry
Q Si, Y Zha, K Levin, JP Lu
Physical Review B 47 (14), 9055, 1993
Pairing fluctuation theory of superconducting properties in underdoped to overdoped cuprates
Q Chen, I Kosztin, B Jankó, K Levin
Physical review letters 81 (21), 4708, 1998
Pseudogap effects induced by resonant pair scattering
B Jankó, J Maly, K Levin
Physical Review B 56 (18), R11407, 1997
Predictions for impurity-induced suppression in the high-temperature superconductors
RJ Radtke, K Levin, HB Schüttler, MR Norman
Physical Review B 48 (1), 653, 1993
Theory of Neutron Scattering in the Normal and Superconducting States of
DZ Liu, Y Zha, K Levin
Physical review letters 75 (22), 4130, 1995
Normal state properties in the cuprates and their Fermi liquid based interpretation
K Levin, JH Kim, JP Lu, Q Si
Physica C: Superconductivity 175 (5-6), 449-522, 1991
Model for c-axis transport in high- cuprates
AG Rojo, K Levin
Physical Review B 48 (22), 16861, 1993
Cooling-rate dependence for the spin-glass ground-state energy: Implications for optimization by simulated annealing
GS Grest, CM Soukoulis, K Levin
Physical review letters 56 (11), 1148, 1986
Observation of density-dependent gauge fields in a Bose-Einstein condensate based on micromotion control in a shaken two-dimensional lattice
LW Clark, BM Anderson, L Feng, A Gaj, K Levin, C Chin
Physical review letters 121 (3), 030402, 2018
Nature of superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases near Feshbach resonances
J Stajic, JN Milstein, Q Chen, ML Chiofalo, MJ Holland, K Levin
Physical Review A 69 (6), 063610, 2004
Irreversibility and metastability in spin-glasses. I. Ising model
CM Soukoulis, K Levin, GS Grest
Physical Review B 28 (3), 1495, 1983
Superconducting transitions from the pseudogap state: d-wave symmetry, lattice, and low-dimensional effects
Q Chen, I Kosztin, B Jankó, K Levin
Physical Review B 59 (10), 7083, 1999
Frequency evolution of neutron peaks below Commensurate and incommensurate structure in and
YJ Kao, Q Si, K Levin
Physical Review B 61 (18), R11898, 2000
Frequency evolution of neutron peaks below T~ c: Commensurate and incommensurate structure in La~ 0~.~ 8~ 5Sr~ 0~.~ 1~ 5CuO~ 4 and YBa~ 2Cu~ 3O~ 6~.~ 6
K Ying-Jer, Q Si, K Levin
PHYSICAL REVIEW-SERIES B- 61 (18), R11898-R11901, 2000
Cuprate pseudogap: Competing order parameters or precursor superconductivity
J Stajic, A Iyengar, K Levin, BR Boyce, TR Lemberger
Physical Review B 68 (2), 024520, 2003
Assessment of Fermi-liquid description for the normal state of high- superconductors
JH Kim, K Levin, A Auerbach
Physical Review B 39 (16), 11633, 1989
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