Steve Cassidy
Steve Cassidy
School of Computing, Macquarie University
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Techniques in speech acoustics
J Harrington, S Cassidy
Springer Science & Business Media, 2000
Multi-level annotation in the Emu speech database management system
S Cassidy, J Harrington
Speech communication 33 (1-2), 61-77, 2001
Dynamic and target theories of vowel classification: Evidence from monophthongs and diphthongs in Australian English
J Harrington, S Cassidy
Language and Speech 37 (4), 357-373, 1994
emuR: Main package of the EMU speech database management system
R Winkelmann, K Jaensch, S Cassidy, J Harrington
R package version 2 (0), 2021
Emu: An enhanced hierarchical speech data management system
S Cassidy, J Harrington
Proceedings of the Sixth Australian International Conference on Speech …, 1996
Building an audio-visual corpus of Australian English: large corpus collection with an economical portable and replicable Black Box
D Burnham, D Estival, S Fazio, J Viethen, F Cox, R Dale, S Cassidy, ...
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Separating XHTML content from navigation clutter using DOM-structure block analysis
C Mantratzis, M Orgun, S Cassidy
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 145-147, 2005
The mu+ system for corpus based speech research
J Harrington, S Cassidy, J Fletcher, A Mc Veigh
Computer Speech & Language 7 (4), 305-331, 1993
Finding Names in Trove: Named Entity Recognition for Australian Historical Newspapers
S Mac Kim, S Cassidy
Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2015, 57-65, 2015
AusTalk: an audio-visual corpus of Australian English
D Estival, S Cassidy, F Cox, D Burnham
Reykjavik, Iceland: European Language Resources Association, 2014
Compiling multi-tiered speech databases into the relational model: Experiments with the EMU system
S Cassidy
Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999
Version Control for RDF Triple Stores.
S Cassidy, J Ballantine
ICSOFT (ISDM/EHST/DC) 7, 5-12, 2007
XQuery as an Annotation Query Language: a Use Case Analysis.
S Cassidy
LREC, 2002
Querying databases of annotated speech
S Cassidy, S Bird
Proceedings 11th Australasian Database Conference. ADC 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
The alveo virtual laboratory: A web based repository api
S Cassidy, D Estival, T Jones, P Sefton, D Burnham, J Burghold
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (9th: 2014), 2014
An RDF realisation of LAF in the DADA annotation server
S Cassidy
Proceedings of ISA-5, Hong Kong, 2010
The big australian speech corpus (the big asc)
M Wagner, D Tran, R Togneri, P Rose, D Powers, M Onslow, D Loakes, ...
SST 2010, Thirteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science …, 2010
Recent developments in the Emu speech database system
L Bombien, S Cassidy, J Harrington, T John, S Palethorpe
Proc. 11th SST Conference Auckland, 313-316, 2006
The place of articulation distinction in voiced oral stops: evidence from burst spectra and formant transitions
S Cassidy, J Harrington
Phonetica 52 (4), 263-284, 1995
Signbank: Software to support web based dictionaries of sign language
S Cassidy, O Crasborn, H Nieminen, W Stoop, M Hulsbosch, S Even, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
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