Patrizio E.Tressoldi
Patrizio E.Tressoldi
Studium Patavinum - Padova University- ITALY
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Batteria per la valutazione della dislessia e della disortografia evolotiva: manuale
G Sartori, R Job, PE Tressoldi
Organizzazioni Speciali, 1995
The development of reading speed in Italians with dyslexia: A longitudinal study
PE Tressoldi, G Stella, M Faggella
Journal of learning disabilities 34 (5), 414-417, 2001
Feeling the future: A meta-analysis of 90 experiments on the anomalous anticipation of random future events
D Bem, P Tressoldi, T Rabeyron, M Duggan
F1000Research 4, 1188, 2016
Meta-analysis of free-response studies, 1992–2008: Assessing the noise reduction model in parapsychology.
L Storm, PE Tressoldi, L Di Risio
Psychological bulletin 136 (4), 471, 2010
Predictive physiological anticipation preceding seemingly unpredictable stimuli: a meta-analysis
J Mossbridge, P Tressoldi, J Utts
Frontiers in Psychology 3, 390, 2012
Visual selective attention and reading efficiency are related in children
C Casco, PE Tressoldi, A Dellantonio
Cortex 34 (4), 531-546, 1998
BVN 5-11 Batteria di Valutazione Neuropsicologica per l’età Evolutiva
PS Bisiacchi, M Cendron, M Gugliotta, PE Tressoldi, C Vio
Erickson 1, 1-324, 2005
To Which World Regions Does the Valence-dominance Model of Social Perception Apply?
BC Jones, L DeBruine, JK Flake, B Aczel, M Adamkovic, R Alaei, S Alper, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 2397-3374, 2021
Batteria per la valutazione della scrittura e della competenza ortografica nella scuola dell'obbligo: manuale
PE Tressoldi, C Cornoldi
Organizzazioni speciali, 1991
DDE-2, Batteria per la valutazione della dislessia e della disortografia evolutiva-2.
G Sartori, R Job, P Tressoldi
OS, 2007
Cognitive and metacognitive abilities involved in the solution of mathematical word problems: Validation of a comprehensive model
D Lucangeli, PE Tressoldi, M Cendron
Contemporary educational psychology 23 (3), 257-275, 1998
Peabody test di vocabolario recettivo
G Stella, C Pizzoli, PE Tressoldi
Torino: Omega Edizioni, 2000
Imagery deficits in nonverbal learning disabilities
C Cornoldi, F Rigoni, PE Tressoldi, C Vio
Journal of learning disabilities 32 (1), 48-57, 1999
The Proposed Changes for DSM-5 for SLD and ADHD: International Perspectives—Australia, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom …
M Al-Yagon, W Cavendish, C Cornoldi, AJ Fawcett, M Grünke, LY Hung, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 46 (1), 58-72, 2013
Efficacy of an intervention to improve fluency in children with developmental dyslexia in a regular orthography
PE Tressoldi, C Vio, R Iozzino
Journal of learning disabilities 40 (3), 203-209, 2007
G Sartori, R Job, PE Tressoldi
Batteria per la valutazione della dislessia e della disortografia evolutiva 2, 2007
The submerged dyslexia iceberg: how many school children are not diagnosed? Results from an Italian study
C Barbiero, I Lonciari, M Montico, L Monasta, R Penge, C Vio, ...
PloS one 7 (10), e48082, 2012
The influence of journal submission guidelines on authors' reporting of statistics and use of open research practices
D Giofrè, G Cumming, L Fresc, I Boedker, P Tressoldi
PloS one 12 (4), e0175583, 2017
Training numerical skills with the adaptive videogame “The Number Race”: A randomized controlled trial on preschoolers
F Sella, P Tressoldi, D Lucangeli, M Zorzi
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 5 (1), 20-29, 2016
Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical implications of predictive anticipatory activity
JA Mossbridge, P Tressoldi, J Utts, JA Ives, D Radin, WB Jonas
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 146, 2014
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