Dr. Priyanka Jain
Dr. Priyanka Jain
Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
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Wavelet transforms for feature engineering in EEG data processing: An application on Schizophrenia
B Gosala, PD Kapgate, P Jain, RN Chaurasia, M Gupta
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 85, 104811, 2023
Machine learning for cognitive behavioral analysis: datasets, methods, paradigms, and research directions
P Bhatt, A Sethi, V Tasgaonkar, J Shroff, I Pendharkar, A Desai, P Sinha, ...
Brain informatics 10 (1), 18, 2023
Vishit: A visualizer for hindi text
P Jain, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
2014 Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network …, 2014
Virtual reality: an aid as cognitive learning environment—a case study of Hindi language
P Jain, R Bhavsar, K Shaik, A Kumar, BV Pawar, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
Virtual Reality 24 (4), 771-781, 2020
An efficient multi-scale anchor box approach to detect partial faces from a video sequence
D Garg, P Jain, K Kotecha, P Goel, V Varadarajan
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (1), 9, 2022
Text visualization as an aid to language learning disability
P Jain, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
Proceedings of national conference on e-learning and e-learning technologies …, 2013
Spatial intelligence from hindi language text for scene generation
P Jain, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
2017 2nd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 132-138, 2017
Knowledge acquisition for language description from scene understanding
P Jain, P Pawar, G Koriya, A Lele, A Kumar, H Darbari
2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4), 1-6, 2015
VRML for automatic generation of 3D scene
P Jain, RP Bhavsar, BP Pawar, H Darbari
Int J Comput Appl 2 (8), 1797-2250, 2018
Tree adjoining grammar based parser for a Hindi text-to-scene conversion system
P Jain, R Bhavsar, A Kumar, BV Pawar, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-7, 2018
Cognitive support by language visualization: a case study with Hindi language
P Jain, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
2017 2nd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 110-115, 2017
Evaluation of some English-Hindi MT systems
N Joshi, I Mathur, H Darbar, A Kumar, P Jain
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2014
Parallel implementation of machine translation using MPJ express
A Tomar, J Bodhankar, P Kurariya, P Anarase, P Jain, A Lele, H Darbari, ...
2013 National Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PARCOMPTECH), 1-5, 2013
High performance natural language processing services on the GARUDA grid
A Tomar, J Bodhankar, P Kurariya, P Anarase, P Jain, A Lele, H Darbari, ...
2013 National Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PARCOMPTECH), 1-6, 2013
From pre-position to post-position
P Jain, P Pawar
Proceedings of international journal of modern computer science (IJMCS) 4, 66-71, 2016
Evaluation of Automatic Text Visualization Systems: A Case Study
P Jain, RP Bhavsar, K Shaik, A Kumar, BV Pawar, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of …, 2021
Cascaded finite-state chunk parsing for Hindi language
P Jain, K Shaikh, A Kumar, H Darbari, V Bhavsar
Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Information …, 2019
Translation Memory for a Machine Translation System using the Hadoop Framework
A Tomar, J Bodhankar, P Kurariya, P Jain, A Lele, H Darbari, VC Bhavsar
2014 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing and …, 2014
File model approach to optimize the performance of tree adjoining grammar based machine translation
P Kurariya, P Chaudhary, P Jain, A Lele, A Kumar, H Darbari
2015 International conference on computer, communication and control (IC4), 1-6, 2015
Development of Psychiatric COVID-19 CHATBOT Using Deep Learning
N Bhirud, S Tatale, P Jain, A Kulkarni, M Panchpor, NK Jain
Data-Driven Approach for Bio-medical and Healthcare, 181-203, 2022
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