Pierre Deville
Pierre Deville
Solvay Business School - University of Brussels
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Dynamic population mapping using mobile phone data
P Deville, C Linard, S Martin, M Gilbert, FR Stevens, AE Gaughan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (45), 15888-15893, 2014
Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact
R Sinatra, D Wang, P Deville, C Song, AL Barabási
Science 354 (6312), aaf5239, 2016
Data for development: the d4d challenge on mobile phone data
VD Blondel, M Esch, C Chan, F Clérot, P Deville, E Huens, F Morlot, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.0137, 2012
Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact
P Deville, D Wang, R Sinatra, C Song, VD Blondel, AL Barabási
Nature Scientific Reports 4, 2014
A century of physics
R Sinatra, P Deville, M Szell, D Wang, AL Barabási
Nature Physics 11 (10), 791-796, 2015
The chaperone effect in scientific publishing
V Sekara, P Deville, SE Ahnert, AL Barabási, R Sinatra, S Lehmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (50), 12603-12607, 2018
Scaling identity connects human mobility and social interactions
P Deville, C Song, N Eagle, VD Blondel, AL Barabási, D Wang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (26), 7047-7052, 2016
Voice on the Border: Do Cellphones Redraw the Maps
VD Blondel, P Deville, F Morlot, Z Smoreda, P Van Dooren, C Ziemlicki
ParisTechReview, November 15, 2011
Mobile phone data for development-analysis of mobile phone datasets for the development of Ivory Coast
VD Blondel, N De Cordes, A Decuyper, P Deville, J Raguenez, ...
Orange D4D challenge, 2013
Scientific impact: the story of your big hit
R Sinatra, D Wang, P Deville, C Song, AL Barabasi
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2014, Z17. 004, 2014
Understanding social dynamics through big data
P Deville
Thesis, Univ. Catholique Louvain, 2015
A century of physics (vol 11, pg 791, 2015)
R Sinatra, P Deville, M Szell
NATURE PHYSICS 11 (10), 797-797, 2015
Using mobile phone data to map human population distribution
C Linard, P Deville, M Gilbert, VD Blondel, AJ Tatem
GIScience 2014 conference, 2014
Mobile phone communications help identify stable regions in France
P Deville, V Blondel, P Van Dooren, Z Smoreda
31th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2012
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