Gigi Y Lau
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Effects of environmental hypoxia on cardiac energy metabolism and performance in tilapia
B Speers-Roesch, E Sandblom, GY Lau, AP Farrell, JG Richards
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2010
Beating oxygen: chronic anoxia exposure reduces mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activity in turtle (Trachemys scripta) heart
GLJ Galli, GY Lau, JG Richards
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (17), 3283-3293, 2013
Naked mole rat brain mitochondria electron transport system flux and H+ leak are reduced during acute hypoxia
ME Pamenter, GY Lau, JG Richards, WK Milsom
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (4), jeb171397, 2018
Convergent evolution of conserved mitochondrial pathways underlies repeated adaptation to extreme environments
R Greenway, N Barts, C Henpita, AP Brown, L Arias Rodriguez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (28), 16424-16430, 2020
Don't throw the fish out with the respirometry water
MD Regan, M Mandic, RS Dhillon, GY Lau, AP Farrell, PM Schulte, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (6), jeb200253, 2019
Identification and quantification of protein S-nitrosation by nitrite in the mouse heart during ischemia
ET Chouchani, AM James, C Methner, VR Pell, TA Prime, BK Erickson, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (35), 14486-14495, 2017
Metabolic recovery in goldfish: a comparison of recovery from severe hypoxia exposure and exhaustive exercise
M Mandic, GY Lau, MMS Nijjar, JG Richards
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2008
Comparative biochemistry of cytochrome c oxidase in animals
AG Little, G Lau, KE Mathers, SC Leary, CD Moyes
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
Evolution of Cytochrome c Oxidase in Hypoxia Tolerant Sculpins (Cottidae, Actinopterygii)
GY Lau, M Mandic, JG Richards
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (9), 2153-2162, 2017
Physiological and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments
TA Blewett, SA Binning, AM Weinrauch, CM Ivy, GS Rossi, BG Borowiec, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (9), jeb242503, 2022
Regulation of energy metabolism during social interactions in rainbow trout: a role for AMP-activated protein kinase
KM Gilmour, PM Craig, RS Dhillon, GY Lau, JG Richards
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2017
Species-and tissue-specific differences in ROS metabolism during exposure to hypoxia and hyperoxia plus recovery in marine sculpins
GY Lau, S Arndt, MP Murphy, JG Richards
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (22), jeb206896, 2019
Effects of cold on murine brain mitochondrial function
ME Pamenter, GY Lau, JG Richards
PLoS One 13 (12), e0208453, 2018
AMP-activated protein kinase plays a role in initiating metabolic rate suppression in goldfish hepatocytes
GY Lau, JG Richards
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181 (7), 927-939, 2011
Heart mitochondria from naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) are more coupled, but similarly susceptible to anoxia-reoxygenation stress than in laboratory mice (Mus musculus)
GY Lau, WK Milsom, JG Richards, ME Pamenter
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2020
Subfunctionalization of COX4 paralogs in fish
D Porplycia, GY Lau, J McDonald, Z Chen, JG Richards, CD Moyes
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2017
Rates of warming impact oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
I Loughland, GY Lau, J Jolly, F Seebacher
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (6), jeb243740, 2022
Interspecific variation in brain mitochondrial complex I and II capacity and ROS emission in marine sculpins
GY Lau, JG Richards
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (2), jeb189407, 2019
Detection of changes in mitochondrial hydrogen sulfide in vivo in the fish model Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
GY Lau, N Barts, RC Hartley, M Tobler, JG Richards, MP Murphy, S Arndt
Biology Open 8 (5), bio041467, 2019
Temperature sensitivity differs between heart and red muscle mitochondria in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)
GY Lau, GK Cox, JD Stieglitz, DD Benetti, M Grosell
Scientific reports 10 (1), 14865, 2020
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Articles 1–20