Benjamin Zwickl
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Zitiert von
Strong dispersive coupling of a high-finesse cavity to a micromechanical membrane
JD Thompson, BM Zwickl, AM Jayich, F Marquardt, SM Girvin, JGE Harris
Nature 452 (7183), 72-75, 2008
Strong and tunable nonlinear optomechanical coupling in a low-loss system
JC Sankey, C Yang, BM Zwickl, AM Jayich, JGE Harris
Nature Physics 6 (9), 707-712, 2010
Dispersive optomechanics: a membrane inside a cavity
AM Jayich, JC Sankey, BM Zwickl, C Yang, JD Thompson, SM Girvin, ...
New Journal of Physics 10 (9), 095008, 2008
High quality mechanical and optical properties of commercial silicon nitride membranes
BM Zwickl, WE Shanks, AM Jayich, C Yang, AC Bleszynski Jayich, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (10), 2008
Experimental realization of a quantum quincunx by use of linear optical elements
B Do, ML Stohler, S Balasubramanian, DS Elliott, C Eash, E Fischbach, ...
JOSA B 22 (2), 499-504, 2005
The process of transforming an advanced lab course: Goals, curriculum, and assessments
BM Zwickl, N Finkelstein, HJ Lewandowski
American Journal of Physics 81 (1), 63-70, 2013
AAPT recommendations for the undergraduate physics laboratory curriculum
J Kozminski, H Lewandowski, N Beverly, S Lindaas, D Deardorff, ...
American Association of Physics Teachers 29, 2014
Preparing for the quantum revolution: What is the role of higher education?
MFJ Fox, BM Zwickl, HJ Lewandowski
Physical Review Physics Education Research 16 (2), 020131, 2020
Epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results
BM Zwickl, T Hirokawa, N Finkelstein, HJ Lewandowski
Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research 10 (1), 010120, 2014
Typical physics Ph. D. admissions criteria limit access to underrepresented groups but fail to predict doctoral completion
CW Miller, BM Zwickl, JR Posselt, RT Silvestrini, T Hodapp
Science Advances 5 (1), eaat7550, 2019
Model-based reasoning in the physics laboratory: Framework and initial results
BM Zwickl, D Hu, N Finkelstein, HJ Lewandowski
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 11 (2), 020113, 2015
Achieving a quantum smart workforce
CD Aiello, DD Awschalom, H Bernien, T Brower, KR Brown, TA Brun, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (3), 030501, 2021
Observability of radiation-pressure shot noise in optomechanical systems
K Børkje, A Nunnenkamp, BM Zwickl, C Yang, JGE Harris, SM Girvin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (1), 013818, 2010
Examining problem solving in physics-intensive Ph. D. research
AE Leak, SL Rothwell, J Olivera, B Zwickl, J Vosburg, KN Martin
Physical Review Physics Education Research 13 (2), 020101, 2017
Incorporating learning goals about modeling into an upper-division physics laboratory experiment
BM Zwickl, N Finkelstein, HJ Lewandowski
American Journal of Physics 82 (9), 876-882, 2014
Qualitative investigation of students’ views about experimental physics
D Hu, BM Zwickl, BR Wilcox, HJ Lewandowski
Physical Review Physics Education Research 13 (2), 020134, 2017
Bridging physics and biology teaching through modeling
AM Hoskinson, BA Couch, BM Zwickl, KA Hinko, MD Caballero
American Journal of Physics 82 (5), 434-441, 2014
Examining students’ views about validity of experiments: From introductory to Ph. D. students
D Hu, BM Zwickl
Physical Review Physics Education Research 14 (1), 010121, 2018
Development and validation of the Colorado learning attitudes about science survey for experimental physics
BM Zwickl, N Finkelstein, HJ Lewandowski
AIP Conference Proceedings 1513 (1), 442-445, 2013
Stable, mode-matched, medium-finesse optical cavity incorporating a microcantilever mirror: Optical characterization and laser cooling
JGE Harris, BM Zwickl, AM Jayich
Review of scientific instruments 78 (1), 2007
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