D. J.  Dean
D. J. Dean
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab)
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Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
D Akimov, JB Albert, P An, C Awe, PS Barbeau, B Becker, V Belov, ...
Science 357 (6356), 1123-1126, 2017
Shell model monte carlo methods
SE Koonin, DJ Dean, K Langanke
Physics reports 278 (1), 1-77, 1997
Pairing in nuclear systems: from neutron stars to finite nuclei
DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Reviews of Modern Physics 75 (2), 607, 2003
Coupled-cluster computations of atomic nuclei
G Hagen, T Papenbrock, M Hjorth-Jensen, DJ Dean
Reports on Progress in Physics 77 (9), 096302, 2014
Cloud quantum computing of an atomic nucleus
EF Dumitrescu, AJ McCaskey, G Hagen, GR Jansen, TD Morris, ...
Physical review letters 120 (21), 210501, 2018
Shape coexistence and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction
PG Reinhard, DJ Dean, W Nazarewicz, J Dobaczewski, JA Maruhn, ...
Physical Review C 60 (1), 014316, 1999
Systematic study of deformed nuclei at the drip lines and beyond
MV Stoitsov, J Dobaczewski, W Nazarewicz, S Pittel, DJ Dean
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (5), 054312, 2003
Electron capture rates on nuclei and implications for stellar core collapse
K Langanke, G Martinez-Pinedo, JM Sampaio, DJ Dean, WR Hix, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (24), 241102, 2003
Consequences of nuclear electron capture in core collapse supernovae
WR Hix, OEB Messer, A Mezzacappa, M Liebendörfer, J Sampaio, ...
Physical Review Letters 91 (20), 201102, 2003
Ab initio coupled-cluster approach to nuclear structure with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions
G Hagen, T Papenbrock, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (3), 034330, 2010
Spin-dependent neutralino-nucleus scattering for nuclei
MT Ressell, DJ Dean
Physical Review C 56 (1), 535, 1997
M. W loch, and P. Piecuch
G Hagen, T Papenbrock, DJ Dean, A Schwenk, A Nogga
Phys. Rev. C 76 (3), 2007
Practical solution to the Monte Carlo sign problem: Realistic calculations of
Y Alhassid, DJ Dean, SE Koonin, G Lang, WE Ormand
Physical review letters 72 (5), 613, 1994
Orderly spectra from random interactions
CW Johnson, GF Bertsch, DJ Dean
Physical Review Letters 80 (13), 2749, 1998
Coupled-cluster approach to nuclear physics
DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 054320, 2004
The role of electron captures in Chandrasekhar-mass models for Type Ia supernovae
F Brachwitz, DJ Dean, WR Hix, K Iwamoto, K Langanke, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 536 (2), 934, 2000
Rotational Bands in the Doubly Magic Nucleus
D Rudolph, C Baktash, MJ Brinkman, E Caurier, DJ Dean, M Devlin, ...
Physical review letters 82 (19), 3763, 1999
Shell-model Monte Carlo studies of fp-shell nuclei
K Langanke, DJ Dean, PB Radha, Y Alhassid, SE Koonin
Physical Review C 52 (2), 718, 1995
Medium-mass nuclei from chiral nucleon-nucleon interactions
G Hagen, T Papenbrock, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen
Physical Review Letters 101 (9), 092502, 2008
Coupled cluster calculations of ground and excited states of nuclei
K Kowalski, DJ Dean, M Hjorth-Jensen, T Papenbrock, P Piecuch
Physical review letters 92 (13), 132501, 2004
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