Cesar Serra Bonifacio Costa
Cesar Serra Bonifacio Costa
Full Professor (FURG)
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Distribution of saltmarsh plant communities associated with environmental factors along a latitudinal gradient on the south‐west Atlantic coast
JP Isacch, CSB Costa, L Rodríguez‐Gallego, D Conde, M Escapa, ...
Journal of Biogeography 33 (5), 888-900, 2006
Plant zonation in irregularly flooded salt marshes: relative importance of stress tolerance and biological interactions
CSB Costa, JC Marangoni, AMG Azevedo
Journal of Ecology 91 (6), 951-965, 2003
Salicornia L.(Salicornia pusilla J. woods, S. ramosissima J. woods, S. europaea L., S. obscura PW ball & tutin, S. nitens PW ball & tutin, S. fragilis PW ball & tutin and S …
AJ Davy, GF Bishop, CSB Costa
Journal of Ecology 89 (4), 681-707, 2001
Coastal saltmarsh communities of Latin America
CSB Costa, AJ Davy
Coastal plant communities of Latin America, 179-199, 1992
Integrated coastal zone management in the Patos Lagoon Estuary(South Brazil): state of art
PRA Tagliani, ML Asmus, CRA Tagliani, M Polette, CSB Costa, E Salas
Water Resource Management IV (CA Brebbia; AG Kungolos; Eds.), 679-686, 2007
The effect of wind velocity and direction on the salinity regime in the lower Patos Lagoon estuary
CSB Costa, U Seeliger, PG Kinas
Ciência e Cultura 40 (9), 909-912, 1988
Shore disturbance and dune plant distribution
CSB Costa, CV Cordazzo, U Seeliger
Journal of Coastal research, 133-140, 1996
Distribuição, funções e valores das marismas e pradarias submersas no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (RS, Brasil)
CSB Costa, U Seeliger, CPL Oliveira, AMM Mazo
Atlântica 19, 65-83, 1997
Eutrophication processes and trophic interactions in a shallow estuary: Preliminary results based on stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N)
PC Abreu, CSB Costa, C Bemvenuti, C Odebrecht, W Graneli, AM Anesio
Estuaries and Coasts 29, 277-285, 2006
Estuary hydrogeomorphology affects carbon sources supporting aquatic consumers within and among ecological guilds
DJ Hoeinghaus, JP Vieira, CS Costa, CE Bemvenuti, KO Winemiller, ...
Hydrobiologia 673, 79-92, 2011
Crab bioturbation and herbivory may account for variability in carbon sequestration and stocks in south west atlantic salt marshes
P Martinetto, DI Montemayor, J Alberti, CSB Costa, O Iribarne
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 122, 2016
Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus
A Bortolus, P Adam, JB Adams, ML Ainouche, D Ayres, MD Bertness, ...
Ecology 100 (11), e02863, 2019
Vertical distribution and resource allocation of Ruppia maritima L. in a southern Brazilian estuary
CSB Costa, U Seeliger
Aquatic Botany 33 (1-2), 123-129, 1989
Leaf demography and decline of Panicum racemosum populations in coastal foredunes of southern Brazil
CSB Costa, U Seeliger, CV Cordazzo
Canadian Journal of Botany 69 (7), 1593-1599, 1991
Aspectos da ecologia populacional do Panicum racemosum (Spreng) nas dunas costeiras do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
CSB Costa, U Seeliger, CV Cordazzo
Restingas: origem, estrutura e processos. Niterói, CEUFF, 395-411, 1984
Growth, Phenolics, Photosynthetic Pigments, and Antioxidant Response of Two New Genotypes of Sea Asparagus (Salicornia neei Lag.) to Salinity under …
MM De Souza, CR Mendes, KB Doncato, E Badiale-Furlong, CSB Costa
Agriculture 8 (7), 115, 2018
Development and organization of saltmarsh communities
AJ Davy, CSB Costa
Coastal plant communities of Latin America, 157-178, 1992
Efeito de ressacas sobre Blutaparon portulacoides (St. Hill) Mears, nas dunas costeiras do sul do Brasil
H Bernardi, CV Cordazzo, CSB Costa
Ciência e Cultura 39 (5/6), 545-547, 1987
Effect of ultrasound-assisted cold plasma pretreatment to obtain sea asparagus extract and its application in Italian salami
GYY Faria, MM Souza, JRM Oliveira, CSB Costa, MP Collares, C Prentice
Food Research International 137, 109435, 2020
Associações vegetais das dunas frontais de Garopaba (SC)
CV Cordazzo, CSB Costa
Ciência e Cultura 41 (9), 906-910, 1989
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Articles 1–20