Fco. Javier Toledo Melero
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Zitiert von
Two-step linear least-squares method for photovoltaic single-diode model parameters extraction
FJ Toledo, JM Blanes, V Galiano
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (8), 6301-6308, 2018
In-site real-time photovoltaic I–V curves and maximum power point estimator
JM Blanes, FJ Toledo, S Montero, A Garrigós
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (3), 1234-1240, 2012
Distance to ill-posedness and the consistency value of linear semi-infinite inequality systems
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Mathematical programming 103 (1), 95-126, 2005
Analytical and quasi-explicit four arbitrary point method for extraction of solar cell single-diode model parameters
FJ Toledo, JM Blanes
Renewable Energy 92, 346-356, 2016
Geometric properties of the single-diode photovoltaic model and a new very simple method for parameters extraction
FJ Toledo, JM Blanes
Renewable Energy 72, 125-133, 2014
Analytical resolution of the electrical four-parameters model of a photovoltaic module using small perturbation around the operating point
FJ Toledo, JM Blanes, A Garrigós, JA Martínez
Renewable Energy 43, 83-89, 2012
Calmness of the feasible set mapping for linear inequality systems
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 22 (2), 375-389, 2014
Distance to solvability/unsolvability in linear optimization
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
SIAM Journal on Optimization 16 (3), 629-649, 2006
Lipschitz continuity of the optimal value via bounds on the optimal set in linear semi-infinite optimization
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Mathematics of Operations Research 31 (3), 478-489, 2006
Ill-posedness with respect to the solvability in linear optimization
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Linear algebra and its applications 416 (2-3), 520-540, 2006
Distance to ill-posedness for linear inequality systems under block perturbations: convex and infinite-dimensional cases
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Optimization 60 (7), 925-946, 2011
In-depth analysis of single-diode model parameters from manufacturer’s datasheet
FJ Toledo, JM Blanes, V Galiano, A Laudani
Renewable Energy 163, 1370-1384, 2021
Calmness of the argmin mapping in linear semi-infinite optimization
MJ Cánovas, A Hantoute, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 160, 111-126, 2014
Photovoltaic single-diode model parametrization. An application to the calculus of the Euclidean distance to an I–V curve
FJ Toledo, V Galiano, JM Blanes, V Herranz, E Batzelis
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 225, 794-819, 2024
Error bounds for the inverse feasible set mapping in linear semi-infinite optimization via a sensitivity dual approach
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Optimization 56 (5-6), 547-563, 2007
Calmness modulus of fully perturbed linear programs
MJ Cánovas, A Hantoute, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Mathematical Programming 158 (1), 267-290, 2016
Distance to ill-posedness in linear optimization via the Fenchel-Legendre conjugate
MJ Cánovas, MA López, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Journal of optimization theory and applications 130 (2), 173-183, 2006
Sufficient conditions for total ill-posedness in linear semi-infinite optimization
MJ Cánovas, MA Lopez, J Parra, FJ Toledo
European journal of operational research 181 (3), 1126-1136, 2007
Calmness of the optimal value in linear programming
MJ Gisbert, MJ Cánovas, J Parra, FJ Toledo
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (3), 2201-2221, 2018
Quick and accurate strategy for calculating the solutions of the photovoltaic single-diode model equation
FJ Toledo, MV Herranz, JM Blanes, V Galiano
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12 (2), 493-500, 2022
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