Shangerganesh Lingeshwaran
Shangerganesh Lingeshwaran
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A class of time‐fractional reaction‐diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary condition
Y Zhou, L Shangerganesh, J Manimaran, A Debbouche
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (8), 2987-2999, 2018
Numerical solutions for time-fractional cancer invasion system with nonlocal diffusion
J Manimaran, L Shangerganesh, A Debbouche, V Antonov
Frontiers in Physics 7, 93, 2019
Galerkin finite element method for cancer invasion mathematical model
S Ganesan, S Lingeshwaran
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 73 (12), 2603-2617, 2017
A biophysical model of tumor invasion
S Ganesan, S Lingeshwaran
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 46, 135-152, 2017
Distributed optimal control of a tumor growth treatment model with cross-diffusion effect
PT Sowndarrajan, J Manimaran, A Debbouche, L Shangerganesh
The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (9), 463, 2019
Existence and uniqueness of solutions of predator-prey type model with mixed boundary conditions
L Shangerganesh, K Balachandran
Acta applicandae mathematicae 116, 71-86, 2011
Finite element error analysis of a time-fractional nonlocal diffusion equation with the Dirichlet energy
J Manimaran, L Shangerganesh, A Debbouche
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 382, 113066, 2021
Solvability of reaction–diffusion model with variable exponents
L Shangerganesh, K Balachandran
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37 (10), 1436-1448, 2014
Weakness and mittag–leffler stability of solutions for time-fractional keller–segel models
Y Zhou, J Manimaran, L Shangerganesh, A Debbouche
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 19 (7-8 …, 2018
Weak solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations with variable exponents
L Shangerganesh, A Gurusamy, K Balachandran
Communications in Mathematics 25, 2017
Existence and uniqueness of solutions of degenerate chemotaxis system
L Shangerganesh, NB Balan, K Balachandran
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 18 (5), 1605-1622, 2014
Weak-renormalized solutions for predator–prey system
L Shangerganesh, NB Balan, K Balachandran
Applicable Analysis 92 (3), 441-459, 2013
A time‐fractional competition ecological model with cross‐diffusion
J Manimaran, L Shangerganesh, A Debbouche
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 (8), 5197-5211, 2020
Global existence and blow up of solutions of quasilinear chemotaxis system
V Bhuvaneswari, L Shangerganesh, K Balachandran
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 38 (17), 3738-3746, 2015
Optimal control of a heroin epidemic mathematical model
PT Sowndarrajan, L Shangerganesh, A Debbouche, DFM Torres
Optimization 71 (11), 3107-3131, 2022
Finite-time blow-up of solutions to a cancer invasion mathematical model with haptotaxis effects
L Shangerganesh, N Nyamoradi, G Sathishkumar, S Karthikeyan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 77 (8), 2242-2254, 2019
Renormalized and entropy solutions of nonlinear parabolic systems
L Shangerganesh, K Balachandran
Electron. J. Differential Equations 268, 1-24, 2013
On the existence of weak solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic system with variable exponents
L Shangerganesh, N Nyamoradi, VND Mani, S Karthikeyan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 75 (1), 322-334, 2018
Existence of global weak solutions for cancer invasion parabolic system with nonlinear diffusion
L Shangerganesh, ND Mani, S Karthikeyan
Communications in Applied Analysis 21 (4), 607-629, 2017
Weak solutions for p-Laplacian equation
V Bhuvaneswari, S Lingeshwaran, K Balachandran
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 1 (4), 319-334, 2012
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