Dilute dipolar quantum droplets beyond the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation F Böttcher, M Wenzel, JN Schmidt, M Guo, T Langen, I Ferrier-Barbut, ...
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033088, 2019
129 2019 Droplets of trapped quantum dipolar bosons A Macia, J Sánchez-Baena, J Boronat, F Mazzanti
Physical review letters 117 (20), 205301, 2016
93 2016 Excitations and Stripe Phase Formation in a Two-Dimensional Dipolar<? format?> Bose Gas with Tilted Polarization A Macia, D Hufnagl, F Mazzanti, J Boronat, RE Zillich
Physical review letters 109 (23), 235307, 2012
92 2012 Dipolar Bose supersolid stripes R Bombin, J Boronat, F Mazzanti
Physical review letters 119 (25), 250402, 2017
68 2017 Single-particle versus pair superfluidity in a bilayer system of dipolar bosons A Macia, GE Astrakharchik, F Mazzanti, S Giorgini, J Boronat
Physical Review A 90 (4), 043623, 2014
62 2014 Self-bound Bose mixtures C Staudinger, F Mazzanti, RE Zillich
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54 2018 Dynamics of a two-dimensional system of quantum dipoles F Mazzanti, RE Zillich, GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat
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47 2009 One-dimensional Bose gas in optical lattices of arbitrary strength GE Astrakharchik, KV Krutitsky, M Lewenstein, F Mazzanti
Physical Review A 93 (2), 021605, 2016
40 2016 Low-dimensional weakly interacting Bose gases: Nonuniversal equations of state GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, IL Kurbakov, YE Lozovik, F Mazzanti
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 013612, 2010
36 2010 High-order time expansion path integral ground state R Rota, J Casulleras, F Mazzanti, J Boronat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (1 …, 2010
36 2010 Microscopic description of anisotropic low-density dipolar Bose gases in two dimensions A Macia, F Mazzanti, J Boronat, RE Zillich
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 033625, 2011
35 2011 Phase diagram of dipolar bosons in two dimensions with tilted polarization A Macia, J Boronat, F Mazzanti
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33 2014 Energy and structure of dilute hard-and soft-sphere gases F Mazzanti, A Polls, A Fabrocini
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Neural Networks 114, 147-156, 2019
27 2019 Ferromagnetic transition of a two-component Fermi gas of hard spheres F Arias de Saavedra, F Mazzanti, J Boronat, A Polls
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 033615, 2012
26 2012 Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional system of hard rods F Mazzanti, GE Astrakharchik, J Boronat, J Casulleras
Physical review letters 100 (2), 020401, 2008
24 2008 High-Momentum Response of Liquid F Mazzanti, A Polls, J Boronat, J Casulleras
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23 2004 Supersolid stripes enhanced by correlations in a Raman spin-orbit-coupled system J Sánchez-Baena, J Boronat, F Mazzanti
Physical Review A 101 (4), 043602, 2020
20 2020 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional dipolar stripes R Bombín, F Mazzanti, J Boronat
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