Newton Maruyama
Newton Maruyama
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A low cost, high accuracy roundness measuring system
O Horikawa, N Maruyama, M Shimada
Precision engineering 25 (3), 200-205, 2001
Intelligent UUVs: Some issues on ROV dynamic positioning
EC De Souza, N Maruyama
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 43 (1), 214-226, 2007
Modeling and identification of an open-frame underwater vehicle: The yaw motion dynamics
JPJ Avila, JC Adamowski, N Maruyama, FK Takase, M Saito
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 66, 37-56, 2012
Estimation of trajectories of pipeline PIGs using inertial measurements and non linear sensor fusion
DDS Santana, N Maruyama, CM Furukawa
2010 9th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications-INDUSCON …, 2010
Petri net approach for modelling system integration in intelligent buildings
PE Miyagi, E Villani, GDB Gustin, N Maruyama, DJ Santos Filho
Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences 24, 341-350, 2002
Self-tuning time-energy optimization for the trajectory planning of a wheeled mobile robot
W Serralheiro, N Maruyama, F Saggin
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 95, 987-997, 2019
Modeling accident scenarios from databases with missing data: A probabilistic approach for safety-related systems design
R Squillante Jr, DJS Fo, N Maruyama, F Junqueira, LA Moscato, ...
Safety science 104, 119-134, 2018
Sensor fusion with low-grade inertial sensors and odometer to estimate geodetic coordinates in environments without GPS signal
DDS Santana, CM Furukawa, N Maruyama
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (4), 1015-1021, 2013
An investigation of dynamic positioning strategies for unmanned underwater vehicles
EC Souza, N Maruyama
Anais, 2002
Fuzzy model-based fault detection and diagnosis
N Maruyama, M Benouarets, AL Dexter
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (1), 6441-6446, 1996
Detecting faults in nonlinear dynamic systems using static neuro-fuzzy models
N Maruyama, M Benouarets, AL Dexter
IET Digital Library, 1995
Estruturação da modelagem de processos em sistemas produtivos
DJ Santos Filho, JR Silva, N Maruyama, PE Miyagi
Anais, 2001
Virtual Enterprise Planning System using time windows and capacity constraint concepts
MAO Pessoa, F Junqueira, DJ Santos Filho, N Maruyama, LA Moscato, ...
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Estimação de trajetórias utilizando sistema de navegação inercial strapdown
DS Santana, VA Campos, CM Furukawa, N Maruyama
XV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2004
Developing an rov software control architecture: A formal specification approach
FH de Assis, FK Takase, N Maruyama, PE Miyagi
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Digital ultrasonic system for internal corrosion assessment on oil pipelines
RV Canales, EW Takarabe, N Maruyama, CM Furukawa
ABCM Symposium Series Mechatronics; ABCM: Hampton, IA, USA, 543-551, 2008
Modeling of hybrid supervisory systems using UML and Petri nets
PE Miyagi, E Villani, N Maruyama
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2001
Regras de controle para alocação de recursos em sistemas produtivos com processos concorrentes
FY Nakamoto, N Maruyama, PE Miyagi, DJ Santos Filho
Anais, 2001
Time-energy Optimal Trajectory Planning over a Fixed Path for a Wheeled Mobile Robot.
WA de Oliveira Serralheiro, N Maruyama
ICINCO (2), 239-246, 2017
Hydrodynamic parameter estimation of an open frame unmanned underwater vehicle
JPJ Avila, N Maruyama, JC Adamowski
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 10504-10509, 2008
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